I pretty much only go to RTTs or the small GW shop tournaments. Primarily as those are either closer, or I know a lot of people going to it. Plus there are two RTTs which are an absolute blast!
Though I might make it to Gamesday if that is still on. Might.
I’m also instructing my dog to try and cross her claws (nails?) as well as my crossing my fingers we get an army book.
Kera foehunter:
im right !!! it will happen!!! the only time the rum bottle lies is when it is emty and lies on the ground!!!
I find cheap rum lies to me.
But the Tequila keeps going on and on in Spanish.
And don’t get me started on the Vodkas.
Groznit Goregut:
It would be quite cool to have some sort of official tournament system created and run by GW. It could be like the Oz system, but official. It would be neat to have rankings and whatnot. That is, as long as local tournaments and indy GT’s count. I’m 5 hours away from the closest GW store and who knows how long to find an official GT.