This would depend on the honor system, I know.
Perhaps a way to keep track of games, and win/draw/losses? The Wisconsin League does that and (despite their not refreshing for the new term) they have play offs for each region.
While playoffs are not viable for us, due to how spread out we are, there could be some other benefits. IE: At the end of the year/season, some sort of awards (slaves I’m thinking).
This breaks down the scoring, etc, for the format they run
To switch up what they have…
We assume everyone is Chaos Dwarfs. If they play a game as, say, Empire they get what the WI has for the “Non-playoff” army.
I am a fan of the bonus for “fully painted”, again that’s an honor system thing.
It could be simply a “report your tournament achievements” type thing, instead of just casual games… as some of us might have A LOT of friendly games while other might just go to tournaments. That’s speaking from experience, as I play a lot of games (even if I don’t win), and tend to be #1 or 2 in my region.
It’d encourage us to get out and play games with our Chaos Dwarfs.
Perhaps a bonus (for both people) for facing off a CDO member?
I’m sure the folks here can flesh this idea out better then me, or if it’s an idiotic or impractical idea they can say so.
Just an interesting idea of encouraging one form of advocacy.