[Archive] An objective for 2009? Get as many of us at one tournament as possible

Auretious Taak:

Okay, her e in Australia, we don’t have Games-days any more haven’t for about 3 years, they replaced them with the conflict tournaments ine ach of the major cities in Australia (It’s a big place, spaced out, GW Aus felt we were too far apart so made mini tourney’s or something ie conflict - I don’t see why we couldn’t have multiple Gamesday’s like the U.S. but meh, i know little bout conflict cept it’s small forces, so 1k tourney, would be nice flooding 200-300 Hob Gobs in there lol) and I outright stubbornly refused to go to a conflict event before becuase they were using them as a “This is your first tournament! Sweet! - Appears at a bigger tournement next run by GW You’ve gone toa conflict tournament and now you’ve gained the confidence to play a big tpournament having played at conflict!” No. In Short, some of us simply didn’t have the money before to attend torunies and stuff GW’s statistics! I’m not bitter, no I’m not. Oh and our Grand Tournaments have been phased out also…

I have no idea what the tournament scene is like up here in Sydney to be honest there are a few about but …

I like the concept, as mentioned above, the aim is not to badger the design team or GW with our prescence rather get some sort of support.

If we can’t have CD’s at a tourney like the GT’s play the “Count As” Rule and take them as say WoC, Chaos warriors being the Dwarf’s, Hob Goobs as marauders, Manticore as dargon, bull centaurs as chosen, earthshaker as hellcannon et al. Blunderbusses can just be fabncy smancy great weapons et al. Easy peezy! No thoughts fio taking DE’s or Empire in place of a CD army when the CD models can be used to count as anything with some imagination, you’re just using the rules of the relevant army to represent your force. Heck take a Wood Elf Army and that could be amusing to justify!

The idea is good, but a world wide region and the members in each area is needed, confining the idea to the U.S. or the U.K. is frankly, Insulting. There’s a whole rest of the world everybody forgets, so lets all remember the CD list is still available for DL from the Australian website and not the US website or it was last time I checked…

2:15am, I’m hitting volatile rant time, so I shall bid you all adieu.

Auretious Taak.