[Archive] An objective for 2009? Get as many of us at one tournament as possible


It’d be really cool if we could get a large group of us at one or two tournaments next year to make our presence known. It’d be really cool, and a good excuse to meet, greet, eat, and maybe drink too.

So who would be interested in this? The first objective would be to try and get a handful of tournaments listed so we have some to choose from.

Adepticon 2009, three days.
   Three different tournaments. It’s in Illinois. Lots of fun, great scenarios. I’ve played using a lot of Adepticon scenarios (either playtesting and/or recycling them at other tournaments). Near O’Hare I believe.

Midwest Rampage 2009
   Also in IL. 2 days, 5 games. LOTS of fun. Cheese discouraged. Great scenarios, and lots of cool people go to it. A drive from Chicago, but not that far.

Hillbilly 2009: Tennessee if I remember correctly. HUGE tournament two days at least. Lots of fun from what I’ve been told, with hilarious scenarios.

Chicago Grand Tournament/Games Day: Chicago. I (personally) am iffy on this one, due to the costs. Though it does stand out certainly, and it’ll bring GW attention.

Those are the four that come to mind. Feel free to recommend others, I’ll get the exact dates asap.

I’ll also keep a roster of who is interested in each. I’ll put a * next to the name if it’s a sure thing for them.

United States

*Viskar Zhragoth

Midwest Rampage:


Chicago GT
Viskar Zhragoth ?

Chicago Games Day
Xander ?
Viskar Zhragoth ?

United Kingdom
Nottingham GT
Agpo ?
Baggronor ?

Mighty Empires
Baggronror ?

Also: For those who don’t/won’t have a Chaos Dwarf army, or really want to play a different army ( Boo! :wink: ) it’s probably safe to say we’re more interested in people here, then in simply flooding a tournament with Chaos Dwarfs (though enough to rival some of the more common armies would be awesome).


We should make up a general list of active users and their regions. North America, west and east coast. UK, Europe, etc. I personally think meeting at Games Days might be better/easier. Banner, Art and Golden Demon entries being flooded with Chaos Dwarfs. Games Days, for me, are preferred as they tend to have some of the head designers attending.

Your thoughts?


Why not a Nottingham based event? Many official GW tournaments are held at warhammer world and watched by the main designers, including - the original and still the best - UKGT. If we got as many CDO users in Nottingham as possible for one of the smaller tournaments, we’d stand a chance. If someone with a really nice army turned up we’d also stand a chance of winning 'Best Army.'UKWD covers most official tournaments and the website covers the rest, so we’d be able to feature. Those members who couldn’t attend could still email to enquire as to whether chaos dwarfs would be legal.


The Nottingham ones would probably be best, as theres always White Dwarf team members and head office staff wandering around looking at peoples armies, particularly the GT. Mighty Empires (or whatever they’re calling it these days) would be a good bet too. At my last Mighty Empires they grouped players into teams according to their chosen army race, so a CDO team could even be a possibility :slight_smile: There is also an entry for ‘Best Team’ at the UK GT now, so thats something else to consider.

Ravening Hordes is generally not accepted at GW tournies anymore, so Dwarfs or WoC are the best bet for count-as lists.

I agree that it would be exceptionally cool if CDO members could turn up in force at a single event :slight_smile:

we’re more interested in people here, then in simply flooding a tournament with Chaos Dwarfs
It would be pretty funny to flood a tournie with evil stunties though :cheers

Pyro Stick:

I would like to go to at least one Games Day but since i live near the top of scotland its quite hard for me to go anywhere far like nottingham. Are there any big events closer? Any that arent in england?

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

We should make up a general list of active users and their regions. North America, west and east coast. UK, Europe, etc. I personally think meeting at Games Days might be better/easier. Banner, Art and Golden Demon entries being flooded with Chaos Dwarfs. Games Days, for me, are preferred as they tend to have some of the head designers attending.

Thats what I was thinking :hat off

If you could ask Gw if they'll allow you to make a stand at games day and then we can suck players in Ha,ha,ha :idea


Some good choices all around.

The reason I recommended some not GTs as some of them have a very high attendance. I know at least Hillbilly is larger then the Chicago GT, and I’d be willing to bet Rampage and/or Adepticon are around the same size.

However as a few of you pointed out GTs will be higher visibility to GW, which would also be a significant benefit.

Personally, I live in Wisconsin so the IL events are all fine by me. I’ll go to GT/Games Day if a lot of folks go there.

Please let me know if you’re likely to go to one, or are going to one for sure. That way I can update the first post. As it should really be determined by how many people can/will go to one.

As for myself, I’m taking the Chaos Dwarfs to any of these events if I can! Thought if it’s a GW event and I can’t take CD I’m taking DE if they’re finished in time, otherwise Empire.

Viskar Zhragoth:

Well I’ll be at Adepticon for sure, and will be trying for the Games Day or GT in chicago…I will probably only be able to go to one, as I tend to go with my friend, but we are both busy at work…

Chicago Games Day or the GT would work great, and we could always try for one of those swissdictator.

Also Adepticon normally has some of the design studio there as well…like Phil Kelly or Jervis Johnson, plus a lot of the web team and Dave Taylor is normally there as well from US HQ.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Here’s an idea - why not have a display there that would include a unit of Chaos Dwarfs from each of the members on this site along with a small plaque with our names and country on it? - for example : Trevor Ursulescu, Canada, Chaos Dwarf Warriors. If you had a table that was filled with nothing but CD’s from around the world it would be great! That way we can prove to them that there is a worldwide “presence” that wants the Chaos Dwarfs to have their own army book. There’s strength in numbers, right?

Along with this display, include a history of the CD’s from 1995 onwards, how GW has not developed them, etc. Also include a banner with the web site, some T-shirts for sale or as a give away or possibly both, copies of the CD magazine issues 1,2, and 3 from the main page, and a “Fluff” army book from one of our members to present to the GW designers (A REALLY GOOD ONE). I will recommend the one written by Grimstonefire as it looks like a true army book. http://www.freewebs.com/chaosdwarfsourcebook/armylist.htm (That is, if he wants to do that.) Show them that we are serious and really want the Army book.

The only thing is that we need someone who’s a good rep to send all this stuff to, our models, the “merchandise” and some monies to have a booth. This person might also have to go out of their own pocket to be there. Also, this person HAS to be responsible for all our models, to recieve them, set them up at the display, guard them, and then bring them home and ship them back to us, world-wide.

I’m not in Britian, so I’m out. However, if this goes well enough, maybe we can send this stuff to other countries and other GW shows.

Think it through.



Would this post be worthy of a sticky perhaps?

Also if we need to find out info about hotels and such, that might be good… that way we can carpool and such if needed, and find out what hotels are the best deals.

I also propose that whatever tournament ends up being “it”, we should perhaps have a group outing to a fun eating establishment. :slight_smile:

Pyro Stick:

Here's an idea - why not have a display there that would include a unit of Chaos Dwarfs from each of the members on this site along with a small plaque with our names and country on it? - for example : Trevor Ursulescu, Canada, Chaos Dwarf Warriors. If you had a table that was filled with nothing but CD's from around the world it would be great! That way we can prove to them that there is a worldwide "presence" that wants the Chaos Dwarfs to have their own army book. There's strength in numbers, right?

Tarrakk Blackhand
It would be better if a lot of us planned on going to one event and painting up as much of our armies as possible so that we dont have to ship in armies from all over the world. Maybe we could have pics of members armies that are worthy of note but cant attend the event?
Along with this display, include a history of the CD's from 1995 onwards, how GW has not developed them, etc. Also include a banner with the web site, some T-shirts for sale or as a give away or possibly both, copies of the CD magazine issues 1,2, and 3 from the main page, and a "Fluff" army book from one of our members to present to the GW designers (A REALLY GOOD ONE). I will recommend the one written by Grimstonefire as it looks like a true army book. http://www.freewebs.com/chaosdwarfsourcebook/armylist.htm (That is, if he wants to do that.) Show them that we are serious and really want the Army book.

Tarrakk Blackhand
Tshirts is a must for every chaos dwarf fan/cdo member attending the event. Im personally going to get a tshirt made with my user name on it, as well as the same writing as is on wilmarks tshirts. If we can get a stall then we could all help pay for as big a banner as we can afford and reading materials is a must, especially the Word of Hashut issues that have been completed by the time of the event. Maybe we could even get good copies printed to sell?
The only thing is that we need someone who's a good rep to send all this stuff to, our models, the "merchandise" and some monies to have a booth. This person might also have to go out of their own pocket to be there. Also, this person HAS to be responsible for all our models, to recieve them, set them up at the display, guard them, and then bring them home and ship them back to us, world-wide.

Tarrakk Blackhand
For any events in the uk that i can attend, i can be relied upon to look after anything that i am sent, and send it back to its owner. But if anyone was to send anything to the person in charge of looking after all these models then the person sending them in the first place should definately pay for tracked delivery both ways.


I think we’ll need to have one chosen for each part of the world, one for North America and one for the Brits. Also, if there is a decent sized Australia or New Zealand one those folks might want to band together too.

While I’d love to go to the United Kingdom (I’ve been to Europe three times, and I’ve never made it to the British Isles), being a college student I think I’ll be stuck on my continent.

I’d get a T-shirt for the said event, though I’m wanting to get one for whenever I take Chaos Dwarfs (which will be regularly now).

As for sending figures and such, I agree that it would be a big hassle and costly. Pictures would be much better, though perhaps sending a showpiece figure might be easier/cheaper/less risky. Not saying risky due to people here, but due to mishaps in shipping.

Hashut’s Blessing:

As has been said: Nottingham tournaments are the best ones by far for attention from GW. Any others would be far more for getting new members instead. Both are good, but I think getting noticed by GW is better because we’d still likely get noticed by layers at the event anyway. We can flood a doubles tournie and the GT. Everyone wear a shirt with CDO on and/or Big Hat/Mask/Helmet?curly beard& tusks or something to show our allegiance.

I like the idea of the stall, but I strongly dislike the idea of everybidy sending a regiment to one person as it puts a lot of pressure on that person and there’s transporting them all and all of the costs etc. Not sure how we’d get a stall (never been to a tournament, so not sure if they have stalls ya can hire or what…), but if we wanted a banner, slev will hopefully have a couple, which he’s deciding what to do with. If I get one, I shall bring it for the stall.

Put simply, I think Warhammer World is our best bet for GW notice…

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Well, I hope I helped get some ideas going! :smiley:

I’d love to send a box of Chaos Dwarfs to one of these events, or even a pic of my conversion…when I get to convert, that is. Let me know what you think.

I love what you guys are doing here and I’d like to promote this site at my store. Any suggestions? - sorry to get the topic “Off Topic”. If I’m wandering, I’ll open a new post.


Agreed this is a worthy initiative.

One of the best things we can keep doing is to keep reinforcing to Phil and Jervis the unity and push behind chaos dwarfs. If we keep showing up at these events with more and more people with their shirts on so much the netter. But do not incessantly pester them is the goal.

As a followup to Xander’s comments we definitely need to revise Flying Beavers members map and somehow better integrate it into the website.

Godbob and his jolly rogers:

Put simply, I think Warhammer World is our best bet for GW notice...

Hashut's Blessing
Me to that's where they all work right so there'll be more them

and i love the idea of giving free copy's of the WoH just to show them how much we care :D

Viskar Zhragoth:

Another thing you could do would be to combine the WoH into a nicer book for the studio…

maybe bind it, with donations…just a thought.

Ghrask Dragh:

Well my t-shirt arrived this morning (:D) so I’ll try to make as many events as I can!

Games Day would be good next year and I might try a WoC ‘count as’ list for UK GT, but I’m not really a tactician so I would have to try and make it stand out as much as possible to get some attention (not easy for UK GT :()

Another thing you could do would be to combine the WoH into a nicer book for the studio

I think we should definetly do that!!


Put simply, I think Warhammer World is our best bet for GW notice...

Hashut's Blessing
Me to that's where they all work right so there'll be more them

and i love the idea of giving free copy's of the WoH just to show them how much we care :D

Godbob and his jolly rogers
WoH is already a free publication... :)

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I guess what he means is he’d like to see a pile of them on a table with people taking them as opposed to downloading it off the web.