So, i have a carnifex. The arm’s don’t fit in right, and its very frustrating… What should i do? Recently, i got a new codex, because my new one is falling apart from GW. If i get a replacement for this one, is there any shipping, or would they just do it? Since i got my new book, would they feel as if I’m scamming them? I dont have the best luck…
If the carnifex arms are the right parts and not miscast (ie: no bubbles or deformed parts on the sprue) then its your problem to fix I’m afraid. Try fixing it up with GS or something.
A lot of GW kits don’t go together very well - its because they’re not very good kits. They have gotten better over the years, but most of them suck when compared to a decent model kit in the same price range. Compare Bandai’s snap-together kits for $70 - multi-coloured system injection molding, tons of detail, sometimes lighting kits included, no painting required and they go together really nicely. GW kits just can’t keep up.
re: replacing falling-apart codex
Well, you should get in touch with them. They may require you to send the one that’s falling apart back to them first. I don’t know what they would say, but its best to get word from them if you don’t want to replace it again.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
You can always talk to them…but if the Carnifax’s arms don’t fit, you might have to drill out the “sockets” where they attach. I had to do it with the Bone Giant.
Yeah i used a Huge dremel head.
miscast and missing parts, the will replace … parts that don’t fit, due to mold shrinkage, etc, they won’t…
misbound or unglued codex, they might replace.
just call and see… tell them what’s wrong and ask if they can replace it… the worst they can say is no.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
…you might even have to learn book binding!