[Archive] anti demons army

Alan the evil:

I didn’t find into specific tips anything against demons of choas…

they are my worst match up

usually my opponents use similar lists based on

3 units of horrors

3 units of fleshounds

1 unit of pyrodemon

1 great demon

and the rest of the list could change but this is the main core

how do you suggest to face them??


what style army do u tend to run?


I would reccomend using a mix between heavy armor, and LONG range.


they are my worst match up
They are everyone's worst match up :)

Bull Centaur BSB with Armour of the Furnace to charge the Flamers on his own. They can't hurt him and the banner means he can't lose to outnumbering.

Lots of Bolt Throwers for the Greater Daemon.

Blocks of 25 CD warriors (HW/Shield) to grind down the Flesh Hounds/any combat Daemon infantry. Plenty of static combat resolution, War Banner etc.

Hobgoblins to redirect his troops and expose flanks. Daemons are screwed once they get flanked, much like Undead.

Sorcerer Lord general. Several Sorcerers if he likes to go magic heavy. 3-4 Scrolls. If he takes Kairos you take Shadow Magic and hopefully Pit of Shades :)

Black Gem of Gnar to stop any nasty Daemon characters fighting for a turn.

Groznit Goregut:

I would even say hobgoblins with bows would work nicely on the flamers and the flesh hounds. They are small and fast units that hit the flanks. Cheap hobgob bows would thin their numbers a bit. When they get close use the archers as redirectors or to hit a unit in the flank and negate a rank. Sure, they will only offer up wounds on their own, but they will negate any ranks.

Lots of bolt throwers for the demon is a great idea.

Use the earthshaker to slow them down enough so that the bolt throwers and archers have a chance to whittle them down.

Bull centaurs can hit them where it hurts. They are fast and hit hard. Their high armor save should help them out a lot. They would be good for taking on flesh hounds. I could even see wolf riders being able to take on flesh hounds, if they got the charge.


wolf riders being able to take on flesh hounds, if they got the charge.

Have you seen the current Flesh Hound stat line? Its rather different from the HoC version...:)

Good point on the bows though, theres a fair bit of T3 in Daemon armies.

Alan the evil:

thanks for suggestions…

I alredy use:

Sorcerer lord
Black Gem
blocks of heavy infantry
4 bolt throwers
2 unit of hobbos

I could try to put armour of fournace instead gazrak on BSB even if I’m gonna loose sword of might and S5…
bowmen could work well… but I don’t know where can I find points…  missing point of my list are blunderbusses!!

baggronor: your are not the 1st who suggests me lore of shade…
I must to take in considaration…:wink:

Da Crusha:

ok, I wrote up this list vs specifically khorne demons. I have not yet tried it but I will soon,

cd sorc on lamassu LOdeath
2 sorc LOFire
2 units of 10 hg archers
2 units of 10blunderbuss
1 unit of warriors 15 strong
3 units of 10 naked hg
2 units of 10 naked hg wolf riders
2 earth shakers
2 death rockets
4 bolt throwers

this army lacks a lot in hand to hand but the earth shakers combined with march blocking wolf riders really slows the army down we’re talking bloodletters  moving 2.5 inches per turn. if the demons charge the HGWR, choose flee then the bloodletters get a failed charge and move a whole 2.5 inches. keep shooting!!! I tried this list the other day vs an orc army, my opponent went all infantry. my BT’s killed the giant on turn 2. my plan worked beatifully. the only thing that wasnt so great was, the game was pretty boring, being completely one sided. but I think it would work pretty good against demons, who in my experience, dont make fun opponents anyway.


demons, who in my experience, dont make fun opponents anyway

Yup :)

I would consider having one character or unit that can actually kick some butt, just for when the survivors get to you. 15 Warriors don't put out much, if any, damage and don't have the static combat resolution to grind down a daemon unit with good damage output (a unit with a herald BSB for example). Perhaps swap 1 unit of wolf riders for either more warriors or a BC hero or something maybe?

Also, I would try to get more BBs, at the moment they are only Str 4, and slapping a big fat Str 5 volley onto T3 Daemon infantry is fun (then stand and shoot when they charge you too :)).

Also the Lammasu; is it just for mobility for LoDeath spells/march blocking? Do you find its worth the points?

Da Crusha:

Also the Lammasu; is it just for mobility for LoDeath spells/march blocking? Do you find its worth the points?


I didn't find into specific tips anything against demons of choas...
they are my worst match up

usually my opponents use similar lists based on
3 units of horrors
3 units of fleshounds
1 unit of pyrodemon
1 great demon

and the rest of the list could change but this is the main core

how do you suggest to face them??

Alan the evil
Well, it's your typical 'power build' for Daemons so right from the start you've got your work cut out for you. I would invest in a Taurus Lord with Armour of the Furnace as all the Tzeentch units and any Khorne character with the Firestorm Blade (a common choice) will be unable to hurt him. Use your Earthshaker to stop the Flamers from shooting and destroying basically anything they get near. Horrors are pretty wimpy in combat so use your faster units like Centaurs to rush and destroy them.

Use whatever war machines you have available to take care of the Greater Daemon, and try to angle the Khorne Dogs using Hobgoblin screens. They're much weaker when they're getting hit in the flank.

Alan the evil:

da crusha
thanks for your ideas… but I’m trying to find a tournament armylist and this too much unbalanced: little units, hard fire and lamassu are not pretty viabile against more tactical armies.
But you can post your results anyway becasue it could helps to understand what could works vs them.

Great taurus could be a good idea.
It takes too many points but I think that in next tournament it could be the right answer (even if I like more to manage spells than a big bull)


da crusha
thanks for your ideas... but I'm trying to find a tournament armylist and this too much unbalanced: little units, hard fire and lamassu are not pretty viabile against more tactical armies.
But you can post your results anyway becasue it could helps to understand what could works vs them.

Great taurus could be a good idea.
It takes too many points but I think that in next tournament it could be the right answer (even if I like more to manage spells than then a big bull)

Alan the evil
If the Taurus Lord is too rich for your blood you could always go for the more economical Centaur Lord with Furnace Armour. I find I rarely need more than a scroll caddy against 95% of armies anyway. Just recognize which spells you can let go and which ones you need to dispel, also use Hobgoblin screens to protect your more vulnerable units such as Black Orcs from magic missiles and the like.

Alan the evil:

If the Taurus Lord is too rich for your blood you could always go for the more economical Centaur Lord with Furnace Armour
saving points by bull centaur could work better so
Bull Centaur BSB with Armour of the Furnace to charge the Flamers on his own. They can't hurt him and the banner means he can't lose to outnumbering.
like baggronor said, even if we loose one strength point...
and I can still have sorcerer lord

I should playtest!!!!!

Da Crusha:

da crusha
thanks for your ideas... but I'm trying to find a tournament armylist and this too much unbalanced: little units, hard fire and lamassu are not pretty viabile against more tactical armies.
But you can post your results anyway becasue it could helps to understand what could works vs them.

Alan the evil
:~yeah, my older list was very balanced but I couldn't win any games against demons, In fact I got massacred every time, thats why I wrote up this not-so-friendly army. I wrote a thread about a game I had against a tzeentch army, I killed like 5 demons the entire game with my balanced list.

I read in a white dwarf that in order to win a game you should be able to dominate 2 of the 4 phases, movement, magic, shooting, or close combat. I have also found that with a balanced army it is very difficult to dominate any phases, thats why I wrote up my unbalanced list, I will win the shooting phase, I will definitely combat there magic phase, or dominate it, their movement will be reduced so much Im bound to win the movement phase, I will not win the close combat phase but I won't need to because i wont be advancing maybe just fleeing until my cd warriors need to protect my warmachines... then the game will be over.


I have to agree with Baggronor on ALL points… Thats pretty much how you deal with the D.D.F.A.  Daemon DoucheFag Army. (Thats what we call the Greater Demon, Flamers, Flesh Hound, etc army)