[Archive] AoS 150 Wounds Return to Chaos Dwarves


Hello everyone, with the release of the Chaos Dwarf Warscrolls on Forgeworld I have decided to rebuild these guys for my Age of Sigmar army! Idea behind this army is to be more defensive and to pour artillery and shots into my opponent before he closes and smashes into my ranks of disciplined and tough Infernal Ironsworn who will hopefully grind them down during combat. Supporting them will be some awesome sumonable K’Daai Fireborn and eventually I plan to add much more on to this army. Let me know what you guys think for my first 150 wounds of Chaos Dwarves and thanks for posting!

-Drazhoath the Ashen

*w/ Cinderbreath (Bale Taurus)

-Infernal Guard Battle Standard Bearer




x20 Infernal Guard Ironsworn

*w/ Full Command

-x20 Infernal Guard Ironsworn

*w/ Full Command

-x20 Infernal Guard Fireglaives

*w/ Full Command

-x20 Infernal Guard Fireglaives

*w/ Full Command

-Iron Daemon (or) Skulltaker

-Magma Cannon

-Magma Cannon

-Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher

-Death Shrieker Rocket Launcher



-Basic battle line with Phalanxes of Ironsworn supported by Fire Glaives directly behind, this will be the front line of my shield wall.

-2 Daemonsmith will accompany a Deathshrieker Launcher and Magma Cannon with his 3 inch bubble providing buffs for both Warmachines. The 3rd will be positioned on the flank with the Iron Daemon/Skulltaker to summon K’Daai Fireborn in support of it.

-Drazhoath will be positioned on the opposite flank also summoning K’Daai Fireborn to support him and the rest of the army. BSB positioned behind all Infernal Guard to give buff.

-Overall objective is to smash apart my opponent’s forces as they come in with firepower and magic, summoned units on the flanks to counter charge or even potentially summoned in front of my shield wall to break up opponent’s charges.