[Archive] Arena of Death(1)

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Well I will ditch the points thing. Now please join :cheers:hashut

Hashut’s Blessing:

Means some rethinking for me lol :stuck_out_tongue: Or, just enter my doubles team ^^

Skaven Lord Vinshqueek:

Creating a charcacter

  You may create up to 2 characters that may be up to 250 points with magic weapons and equipment both included.  You must have at least one character, but you are allowed up to two.  

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer
So that's 250 points in total whether you take one or two characters? Or is it 250 points per entry with each person being allowed to create up to two entries?


Hashut’s Blessing:

In total.

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