[Archive] Arena of Death(1)

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

This is sort of a chaos dwarf roleplaying game that I though would be fun for the site. Basically here are the rules:

Choose any hero or lord up to a total of 150 points with magic items included, any hero or lord in all of the warhammer army books or PDF file, no special characters. PM me your hero or lord and all magical equipment DO NOT POST IT HERE.

Post some fluff, a name for your character, and anything else you see fit here. This is where we learn what each of us is.

Then we could use virtual dice rollers to fight each other with our characters. I will be the GM unless someone else ones to do it, IE I will do the rules and such.

Here is some simple rules: Magic is allowed, but you only get one chance to use it before combat. Determining who strikes first in close combat is simple: the one with the highest movement will attack first, unless his opponent has higher initiative. Then they will strike simultaneously.

Shooting is allowed too, however you will only be able to shoot once before close combat, unless the weapon is a repeater weapon or such. Close combat is worked out just like regular warhammer rules. And if your character gets down to 0 wounds then you are dead and killed. And out of the current Arena of Death.

Does anyone show any interest or anything.


If it could be tied into the site and possibly use all these virtual slaves we have, could be a fun game to encourage participation on the site. :slight_smile: Then perhaps your CD hero is really your avatar.

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

If it could be tied into the site and possibly use all these virtual slaves we have, could be a fun game to encourage participation on the site. :) Then perhaps your CD hero is really your avatar.

Perhaps slave bets. example: GRNDL vs Godri. Godri bets 10 slaves he will win, GRNDLY bets 30 slaves that he will win. Who ever wins would get there opponents bet. Also, perhaps members betting on the combatants and such.


this sounds fun!

i will keep my eye on this one!


could be fun

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Hashut’s Blessing:

Remind me to make the character in a couple of days’ time because I’m swamped and shouldn;t really be on here atm, lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

I will be the GM then and anyone for the Slave Bets thing and perhaps a meddle that says Arena of Death Champion or something. I won’t put a starting date yet, since I want to get more interest in. If you are going to participate please post here.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I shall. As i said, just nag me a bit. Guys and gals, this is a GREAT way for testing out how good your character is (against other characters at least).

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

I shall. As i said, just nag me a bit. Guys and gals, this is a GREAT way for testing out how good your character is (against other characters at least).

Hashut's Blessing
Yeah, there are a couple sites out there like this that use certain rules. You can really see if your character is effective in challenges and what not.


Have you gotten any characters yet?

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Have you gotten any characters yet?

Noe, but I am hoping that will change. :hashut

Hashut’s Blessing:

Still swamped here :wink:

Can I only enter one character btw?

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Still swamped here ;)

Can I only enter one character btw?

Hashut's Blessing
  You may enter up to 2 characters.

                                               Arena of Death

  1. Combat
    2. Shooting
    3. Magic
    4. When you lose...

  Creating a charcacter

  You may create up to 2 characters that may be up to 250 points with magic weapons and equipment both included.  You must have at least one character, but you are allowed up to two.  


  Combat is worked out just like warhammer.  However, getting into combat is a bit different, the character with the highest movement will get to strike first.  However if one character has higher movement but the other has high initiative then they will strike simultaneously, at the same time.  IF you have a great weapon, you will always strike last though.    


  Shooting is exactly like in the warhammer rule book.  However, you only get one shot before combat starts.  And if you shoot, you will recieve -1 to your movement as you will be far to busy shooting to prepare for combat.  Also it should be noted that it is entirely possible to be killed from shooting, can I say Hochland Long Rifle.  Also weapons with mutilpe shots also get to take the multipe shots, however you will recieve a -1 to your movement for each additional shot.  So a repeate pistol will get you -2 movement.  


  Magic is also like in the warhammer rulebook, except that you only get to use one spell per battle.  And you recieve a minus to your movement equal to the level that spell is.  So spell 3 from the Lore of Fire list will give you -3 movement.  If you miscast on a spell you still must roll on the chart and you recieve a -1 to hit in the combat since you will be injured due to the effects of magic.  And it is also entirely possible to get irresisstible force.  But, remember your opponent can still dispel as they get the regular amount of dispel dice, including the pool dice.      

  Other Things

  It is known that Empire Engineers and some other characters can not choose magic items.  Well now they can in this, each one is allowed up to 75 points of magical items.  Engineer items or other special things like engineer items are included into this 75 points. Slayers may take armor runes.   

  Any problems with the rules of anything.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I think it’s explained well enough.

How many “entries” as such can I do? I assume still only one?

I’m about to go and make an entirely random one for WoC, but will send it after trawling the boards, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

I think it's explained well enough.
How many "entries" as such can I do? I assume still only one?

I'm about to go and make an entirely random one for WoC, but will send it after trawling the boards, lol :P

Hashut's Blessing
You may make up to two characters who will both participate. However, one must be your stationary. AKA the one that you are going to try to win with. The one that will play all your matches until he dies.

When you die your secondary character comes into play and plays the other seconday character. So there will be to leagues Primary and Secondary.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Okie dokie. I’ve made half a dozen entries lol and now have to decide which to enter :stuck_out_tongue:

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Okie dokie. I've made half a dozen entries lol and now have to decide which to enter :P

Hashut's Blessing
Just PM em to me. Hope other people start gettin interested to or this is dead.

Hashut’s Blessing:

All of them? People could bet on my ones lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Personally I’d ditch the double points limit on magic items. The limit is there for a reason and that is to sto pthe “Herohammer” characters which broke 4th and 5th edition

Hashut’s Blessing:

Although, AGPO, this is for hero against hero and people can use lords (not that a Lord could take 200+ points in this scale) :smiley: Why don;t ya join in anyway?