[Archive] Army Lists & Points Costs


Sorry to be a Debbie-Downer guys, but you really have to rein in the listing of exact points costs for units. I know it makes it easier for sorting out your lists, but that’s considered IP and isn’t supposed to be lsited here.

I spent quite a bit of time editing posts tonight. I’m sure I missed some, but I removed a lot of points costs without playing any favourites. Sorry if you feel all of your effort to make a great post with lots of detail was ruined, we’ve been a bit lax with keeping up with this kind of stuff lately, but tonight had some over-the-top listings of specific upgrades, magic items, etc. etc.

Thanks everyone for your help with this!



Maybe its a difference in how the “rule” is applied in different places, but you modified one post where I was quoting someone and from what I remembered the way they posed their list would have been acceptable most other places.

As an example this is how I normally see it…

A ) Total Core Choices: Unit + Unit +Unit = 521pts -Acceptable

B ) CD 22 models, with champion, with musician, with standard, with great weapons = 310pts -Acceptable

C ) CD Infernal Guard, 22 models (22x10pts) + Blunderbuss (22x7pts)+ Champion (11pts)+ Musician (13pts)+Standard (5.5pts) = 453 pts -Unacceptable

*No real point costs used.

From how you edited posts my post you seem to be saying “B” is also unacceptable, which I’ve never seen done in a forum. Its fine if that really is the case, I just wasn’t aware.


(B) should be fine IMO

(edited your post to disable smilies that were screwing it up)


I’m just going to link to the post I made in a previous discussion on this issue in the general forum:

Note that this forum doesn’t, as far as I can see, have a specific posted set of guidelines on posting points costs.

Such a set of guidelines would be pointless, for the reasons described in my post that I linked to. Points costs are NOT intellectual property, despite what Nicodemus (or even Games Workshop) may claim.

Once again, I am a lawyer, and I am familiar with copyright law in the UK, Canada and USA, as well as the international treaties associated with copyright law and intellectual property generally, however the information I am providing should not be considered legal advice.

Note that it’s actually quite counterproductive to remove points cost, because it makes it very difficult to provide advice on people’s army lists if we can’t immediately tell the cost of the selected units by simply glancing at it.

Is he over 25% heroes? Who knows!
Does he have enough core? Unknown!
Did he spend too many points on magic items? Impossible to say!

Please stop editing like that. There is no legal reason, and it makes the army list forum very much less useful. I will note that my MSU army list post only had total points costs shown for its units, and they were all removed. Even I can’t tell if my army is legal looking at the information remaining in the post.

It’s frustrating, and silly. Please stop.


@aka_mythos - I edited quite a few last night. I may have hacked and slashed a few too many point costs.

It’s frustrating, and silly. Please stop.

@GodHead - You got your say in the other discussion thread.  I agree it’s frustrating, but you’re walking a thin like bud.  These are how things go on this forum, sorry but you don’t get to make up the rules and I certainly don’t appreciate the attitude.

Point costs for individual units are not to be posted to the forum. I don’t care whether some of you may be a lawyer or not.  You should be clever enough to figure out a way of posting your list and points without listing individual items, upgrade options and units.  If you can do that we’ll all get along fine and there’ll be no complains from staff or admin.

CDO is not other forums, we do our best to remain good citizens in the area of GW IP.

I’m not going to debate this further guys. Figure it out.



If it’s a guideline, then post it in the forum guidelines and quit being so arbitrary about it. Saying you are acting on a guideline that doesn’t exist anywhere is kind of strange.

You should be clever enough to figure out a way of posting your list and points without listing individual items, upgrade options and units.
Did you miss the part in my post where I said “I will note that my MSU army list post only had total points costs shown for its units, and they were all removed”?

The army list I posted was precisely in the format “b” suggested by aka_mythos, and approved by cornixt.

If the moderators are disagreeing on this, what the heck are the posters supposed to think? Whose mind do we read? cornixt’s or nidodemus’?

Look, I’m not trying to cause a fight here, I’m simply trying to inform those who moderate the site that posting points costs for units, in any form, is well within the bounds of being a “good citizen.”

If you want a guideline that says it’s not ok to post point costs, then make the guideline. I’ll follow it, as goofy and unnecessary as it may be. But post it, and make sure everyone is on the same page.



Respect the site rules, Moderator said dont do it then dont do it,We are on there forum dont be rude.



The other moderator said that the way I posted my list was fine.

Which moderator do I listen to?


@GodHead - You had listed more than what was in option B above in some of your points costs, however, I took everything out of everyone’s posts that I edited instead of spending even more time proofreading everything.

I’m sure you have a record and can re-post a modified summary of your points.

We do want you to be able to stay involved in the forum and be able to talk about these things, this is just a friendly reminder, that is all.


To be clear now, the staff have talked it over to make sure we are all the same page. aka_mythos was right, A and B are fine, C is not.


Techically speaking…Godhead is correct, many, MANY wargamers across many forums, clearly do not understand copyright law.

That being said, it’s a losing battle Godhead, as popular imagination will overcome on 90% of the forums.

But CDO online is no different from any other warhammer website (ie don’t like the points posted) so it’s something the greater community accepts. (although, if everyone just decided not too, the websites would exist just the same, because nothing would change…)

Think about it, on any MTG websites, are casting costs of spells discussed? (yes)

aren’t points discussed on the many skirmish games like anima tactics? (again)

or the privater press boards? The answer my dear chap, is the rumored GW copyright police (who usually only send notices occasionlly; and only when it’s time to show they actively police and protect their rights, otherwise risk losing them) will shut the website down (even those on servers in other countries…)

It is what it is man.

So, lets talk some chaos dwarfs


I think it’s important to remember that even though the mods are concerned with copyright law that doesn’t mean there rules have to be governed by them. The mods have every right to impose a code of conduct stricter than the actual law. People will deviate from the forum rules, intentionally or by mistake and by being stricter than the law slight deviation are that much likely to run a foul of it.

Hashut’s Blessing:

The staff have defined what the rules of the forum are. Lawyer or not, the rules here are the rules here and not abiding by them repeatedly will result in disciplinary action. We’re telling everybody now what is and isn’t acceptable so that we don’t need to tell people off.

Lastly, intellectual property and copywrite ownership are different things and Games Workshop is a multi-billion pound global corporation with a dedicated legal team - we’re a bunch of enthusiasts with a generous benefactor spending his money to give us a place to chat: we don’t have the money, time or energy to enter a war about something that can easily be avoided. As for “it’s silly, please stop” and “goofy and unnecessary”, it is far from it: we have received cease and desist letters previously and (for the above reasons) comply - the silly thing is to argue against what is a common, fair and safe resolution to a non-existant problem to prevent us being shut down and bankrupted in legal conflict. As a lawyer, you can hopefully appreciate that laws (or rules in this case) are applied for a reason, that they are what they are (even if they seem silly to some), they apply to everyone (no Lethal Weapon style immunities here :smiley: ) and they are changed by the people that have the power to change them.

This shouldn’t adversely affect anyone - a and b in the second post are accepted, listing individual costs is not. It’s clear and simple to avoid people mistakenly doing the wrong thing. Totals = good, totals, with list of specific upgrades (but not their costs) = good, listing price and quantity (22 guys at 63pts) = bad.