[Archive] Artisan's Contest XXVII - Voting!



“Erect it!”[/align]

Welcome to the voting thread for the 27th Artisan’s Contest!


How to vote:
Please submit 3 numbers as votes by sending a PM to the Staff account (a special account all Staff members can access). We had 8 entries this time, which means each entrant will receive 8 slaves once the winners have been announced.

Each (more or less) anonymous entry is numbered ranging from 1 to 8. There is no need to specify which one you think is 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Simply list the three that you like and we will do the rest. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.

Voting will close at 11:59 PM July 11th, 2019 EST (Eastern Standard Timezone). Once the votes are tallied we will post the results.

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8

Remember, there are prizes up for grabs!

Great job everyone and good luck!
The Staff


“Erect it” :):):slight_smile:

I didn’t expect so many entries !

Nice work in this monuments, you have more imagination than me !


A reference to this:

@Tjub: Igor tells me that my erection proceeds nicely and will be superb.

Uther the unhinged
Ehrm… :o



Wow, again some amazing entries here! :cheers

Lots of talent in the group, very well done.


A reference to this:
@Tjub: Igor tells me that my erection proceeds nicely and will be superb.

Uther the unhinged
Ehrm... :o


Yes, I remembered it immediately when I saw it written. Perfect !


Wow, that some great entries folk! More than excepted as well, and some serious projects! :hat off

Will Liam:

Nice range of monuments in this lot from small to outright huge - my votes are in - Really hard to pick this time and I had to flip a coin for my third vote it was the only way I could decide - good luck guys :slight_smile:


Very cool entries! :hat off

My votes are in! Good luck to all parcitipants! :cheers



Nice work gentlemen!  Some very cool and well executed ideas.  Three jumped out at me almost immediately and there was a fourth that upon close examination was added to the running.  I always look forward to seeing what everyone does and I always am impressed with the creativity, and execution that comes out of the CDO members.  Well done!:hat off:cheers

Uther the unhinged:

Fantastic entries and really varied ideas. I have some favourites but will ask the zharrlings their opinion tomorrow. Well done everyone.


Very nice people. can see some absolute favourites right from the start.

As to “erections”, There could be some overcompensation happening.

Uther the unhinged:

@Abecedar: I guess if your hat is not big enough you will need to compensate somehow.


My votes are in, wasn’t easy to decide on three. Some very worthy entries here… :slight_smile:

Uther the unhinged:

Well the Zharrlings have spoken. There was much discussion this time. Too many good entries. But votes are in!

Reaver of Uzkulak :

Wow, really great work on all counts. Lots of unique styles and ideas on display :idea


Last day to vote. :slight_smile:

Fuggit Khan:

I love that #7 has a lit fireplace perfectly framed in the background :slight_smile:

Great entries everyone, my votes are in
