[Archive] Back into WAR


Hey, I may be getting back into WAR, If you want for me to tell your name for the “Recruit-a-friend” program, Just give me your acct name, or whatever you need, Ill be accepting only the 1st person.

Hashut’s Blessing:

I am Vradraur Fethenhurt. If you need my account name it’s Zhar11, but I will check all of this for you :wink:

EDIT: the login name is zhar11, the account name is Zharhashut and my primary character’s name is Vradraur. I am trying to find if there is a link to give toy ou, but not sure if there is.


Alright- Ill re-activate my account any within today or tomorrow

Hashut’s Blessing:

Well, I’m trying to figure out how to renew my subscription as well, lol.


Well, I'm trying to figure out how to renew my subscription as well, lol.

Hashut's Blessing
If it's as difficult as renewing a World of Warcraft account your screwed. :cheers:D


WoW… They have overdone it.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Well, it screwed up and I somehow have a new subscription, rather than renewing my last one. I’ve sent an e-mail asking them how the Hell it happened and to rectify it, lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, it screwed up and I somehow have a new subscription, rather than renewing my last one. I've sent an e-mail asking them how the Hell it happened and to rectify it, lol :P

Hashut's Blessing
Sometimes they delete previous characters if you haven't subscribed in a while. They do that in WoW, but I am not sure about WAR.


lol just don’t talk about wow and characters…  i hate it sooo much:mad, i left 3and a half years age so it might ave changed tho.

but when i tried a character transfer thingy my account stopped. probably ny fault that tho. the bit that got me annoyes about WAR was that mi character has moved server 3 times since it was created, thats annoying when someone else already nicked your name in the new server.[end rant]

the problem is the games are tooo fun.:smiley:

Hashut’s Blessing:

The character still exists if you do a search, but somehow, my account name has my old Collector’s Edition account and a new standard account. I’m not best pleased.