[Archive] Beefcake's Chaos Dwarfs


My first painted CD’s (except for some test pieces of my own creation.

Here’s a hero and a converted Hobgoblin Khan. I got the Khan minus the weapon, cloak back, and quiver so I located some Oglah Khan and Gazakh Khan pieces and put him together. The new additions are the lance created out of the Oglah Khan banner, an Empire quiver I think and an ungor bow, A GS cloak and Gazak Khans wolf.

Still a few more pieces to paint yet. It’s low going. I have 2 sneaky gits about 4 wolf riders my own CD’s a sorcerer, hero on Taurus to go. Then I may buy some more. I think I may try to paint up them all before buying more. (That never happens though does it?)

Comments and criticism welcome :slight_smile:

Basing is not finished on either of them. Also any ideas about what to put on the back of the hero? I bought him without the banner but now he has a knob sticking out his back (freaky Chaos Dwarf mutation I guess :wink: )


Cool dude keep up the good work like your Khan.


very nice start, and what CopperPot said!




Wolf and Khan are great, the hero is good, too, but the brass could profit from a highlighting, especialliy the arrows at the hat. Keep them coming!