Auretious Taak:
Okay so I just read through the fire, metal, shadow and death laws, and I’d like to know peoples thoughts on what list is best for the Chaos Dwarfs.
I find fire is blunt and too the point, effective but my list favourite of the 4 lores as it is not flexible enough. Death follows in 3rd in my opinion as whilst it had its uses such as the -3 leadership spell, and the extra wound one, I find it a bit like the fire lore. Shadow comes in at 2nd as the movement spells are damned useful for the slow ass chaos dwarves but also nifty in the other spells. I find Metal as the most flexible and most interesting one, especially good for taking out high armoured individuals like knights as well as having all sorts of fun as a whole.
This thread is to discuss your thoughts on these 4 lores of magic in regards to the Chaos Dwarves and the warhammer game itself. I would love to get people’s combinations of items and advanced tactics as well as moving into playing the Chaos Dwarves as a whole I’d like to know what I’m in for and whether to bust out on a level 4 Sorcerer on Lammasu or go for the Lord on Bull Centaur ultimately.
Cheers all,
Auretious Taak.