Yeehaa, the Daemonsmith rocks, I want one, too! :hat off this will be your GH-mini? hmm... I really should start getting ideas :)
The Doomwheel is pretty cool, for what do you use it... what is a Daemoneater?
Ditto Deamonsmith looks great already.
Deamon Eater is The CD indy version of the whirlwind/tenderizer. kind of big ass chariot.
I started work on a Daemoneater-mount for the Daemonsmith, just because it’s such an awesome modelling opportunity. At first I wanted to make some kind of Juggernaut pulled chariot, so I got a Tomb Kings chariot, but then I figured that a Dwarf in a chariot would look stupid anyway.
Then I looked at the Juggernaut and Daemonsmith standing next to eachother and the craziest idea was born… a Mechanical Juggernaut with the Daemonsmith as its head…
So I started to pull apart the Juggernaut, some Warmachine robot-thing… and started work. But I want my Daemonsmith to be removable, so I had to build some room for the base…
Well… this is how it’s at now. Still very crude with most of the detail work still missing…
What do you guys think? Is it working, or is it too crazy/unbalanced looking? I could really use all your feedback!
I totally agree with your comments, so I tried to rework the machine. The Daemonsmith on top wasn’t working, so I had to change the entire top part. I don’t have a second Chaos Squat Exo-armour (and couldn’t find a cheap one on Ebay), so I threw away the idea of Daemonsmith as the head. I decided to make an enclosed compartment. Without the base of the Daemonsmith the body could be smaller and more streamlined so it’s less top-heavy.
Yeah! me like the new version of the Deamoneater the model looks a lot better and by just putting the helmet on the “tank top” you really get the impression of a driver.
I don’t have a second Chaos Squat Exo-armour (and couldn’t find a cheap one on Ebay)
After I saw your WIP Demon Smith I looked for a similar model, damn if you thought CD’s were expensive try to get your hands on a Squat! single infantry go for 15 euro and more.
But wouldnt those Squat Trikes be uber cool as Inferno golems! (if only I had the money)
Well… I couldn’t help myself… so I spent the afternoon sculpting a Daemonsmith that can pilot the Daemoneater…
It’s not exactly the same, but I think it looks close enough. I still need to add the beard and some arms, but I’ll add those once I’ve added the smith to the Daemoneater.
wow cool looking cd army I especially like the obsidian guard and the deamoneater… Im not a fan of big hats but your paint job really does it for me :hat off
Kera shakes her fist !! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhgg !! quite cutting up the tall hats !! it’s to hard to find them now nice green stuff throw can’t wait to see more