[Archive] Bitz and Collectors Catalogues

Kera foehunter:

NO!!! if i ever order gw stuff i go thew my gw hobby store

they love to help me (wink* wink* )

but untill they get there bits and old figure back it would be a cold day in hell

before for i order thew them


Well, considering the current layout was introduced and started in the US, I disagree with your assesment.  Call Glen Burnie the Robin Hood of the Forest then, if you must.

Disagree all you want. The company's management and central activities are all in Nottingham which means Nottingham calls the shots.

There is no way the US website was created as something just for the US and then "copied" to the UK. It was an internal organisational decision to to unify their on-line presence. I don't know why they picked the US to spearhead it but the decision to do so must have come from Nottingham and not Glen Burnie.


I’m buying several items for several projects. Squigs for my Orks, more old-school Ghouls for Mordheim, The Red Terror to convert to a void-monster for BFG, a few figures for HeroQuest…

Ghrask Dragh:

Just went on to try and look up some stuff on the old White Dwarfs, there used to be a huge back catalogue full of info on them but now when you click the White Dwarf section all they offer you is subscriptions.

If it wouldn’t make trouble for the team then there would be swear words all over this post :smiley:


GW’s bitz site went from useful to highly useless. Apparently the mail order trolls were costing them money big time from goofed up orders. Before its demise they send me the wrong Bull centaur order… 3 times…


New site sux. I still long for the older Canada one that had all the articles, like Warhammer : Skirmish.

Tarrakk Blackhand


The question I wonder about is whether GW realizes that they sterilized their site so much its unappealing. I’m sure the corporate bean counters like the fact its “obvious how to purchase stuff, blah, blah, blah”. But to a gamer it sucks.

I don’t know why they picked the US to spearhead it but the decision to do so must have come from Nottingham and not Glen Burnie.

Really easy on that one, almost every website/server for the various national sites are GW is located in Glen Burnie, the Aus one too now I think.


The question I wonder about is whether GW realizes that they sterilized their site so much its unappealing. I'm sure the corporate bean counters like the fact its "obvious how to purchase stuff, blah, blah, blah". But to a gamer it sucks.
I don't know why they picked the US to spearhead it but the decision to do so must have come from Nottingham and not Glen Burnie.

Really easy on that one, almost every website/server for the various national sites are GW is located in Glen Burnie, the Aus one too now I think.

OK with the hosting in the US it definitely makes sense. If you got to start somewhere why not where you are familiar. Though it still perplexes me that they haven't taken of the Aus site (since the other "regional" pages are gone) if they are all hosted in one location.

I'm going to guess "the suits" do not understand how much we hate the new site. They are not gamers after all. That's why they should consult someone like me before they do stuff like this. (Of course there's always the chance they did already consult someone like me, but that someone was an idiot)


I hope they delay ‘updating’ the Aussie site as long as possible.


Apparently the mail order trolls were costing them money big time from goofed up orders.

You get what you pay for I suppose. If GW hired people who specialised in that sort of thing they would have been better off instead of engaging in the false economy of hiring cheaper staff.


Apparently the mail order trolls were costing them money big time from goofed up orders.

You get what you pay for I suppose.  If GW hired people who specialised in that sort of thing they would have been better off instead of engaging in the false economy of hiring cheaper staff.

My understanding was also that their warehouse logistics left much to be desired as well. Basically it took ages for the trolls to run around the big warehouse picking together small orders.
I can imagine the cost of keeping and producing the miniatures backcatalog was also high.
These are all things that can be worked on, if you feel it is important enough to do so.


SB: That was my understanding of the Mail Order re-org as well.

Several years ago while I was still with them, a collegue wanted to buy thirty space marines. He wasn’t sure if the code he had was for one plastic Marine or ten. He ordered three.

When three marines turned up, he assumed the code was for one Marine and ordered twenty-seven more.

Two-hundred and seventy Marines turned up as a result. He complained most vigorously.

Apparently Packer Trolls are the kind of people the company won’t employ elsewhere. It says a lot really.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I don’t mind if GW wanted to universalize their web site and make things harmonize worldwide. That’s ok. But I don’t like how it just became a big sales catalogue with litle to nothing about actually playing the game itself, like axeing the Warhammer : Skirmish stuff and the older articles on building terrain, etc.

Even the Magic : The Gathering web site keeps all it’s older articles, so why not the GW one?


SB: That was my understanding of the Mail Order re-org as well.

Several years ago while I was still with them, a collegue wanted to buy thirty space marines. He wasn't sure if the code he had was for one plastic Marine or ten. He ordered three.

When three marines turned up, he assumed the code was for one Marine and ordered twenty-seven more.

Two-hundred and seventy Marines turned up as a result. He complained most vigorously.

Apparently Packer Trolls are the kind of people the company won't employ elsewhere. It says a lot really.

Holy cr*p.
I laughed so hard at this.


Sadly I’m not surprised by it thou. It was their best resource and the couldn’t make it work correctly. Now if you are a serious modeler you have no choice but to go to eBay for spare parts, further compounding GWs problem of lost revenue to eBay.

Onii One Orc:

I was really disappointed when the GW site went bland and uninteresting and they took all the terrain-making articles off. I think part of that has to do with GW’s new terrain pieces, but it’s still a shame that the resource articles on how to make your own are now gone. There are still a few decent articles on the site, but most of them seem to revolve around purchasing battalion sets or army boxes.


Indeed. GW has made the website into a glorified catalog in much the same way as White Dwarf.


I forgot to mention that they added a Specialist Games catalogue for free download on the website also, if that helps anyone. They have provided codes to purchase Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs and Blood Bowl Hobbos individually, so I guess that’s good news for us!

The website still sucks…


If I was in charge I’d use the Specialist Games site as a test bed to get mail order to work correctly. Is a small enough spectrum that one could eliminate t or at least mitigate the problems before fixing 40k and Warhammer.

Of course GW being GW they decided to fix the issue by creating bits packs.