[Archive] Bitz and Collectors Catalogues


There is a new Bitz and a new Collectors Catalogue availible for download from GW. It doesn’t contain anything we couldn’t already get before, I don’t think (correct me if I’m wrong).



there are a few new things from the catalogue of last year.


At least it is nice to see they keep their promise to update it. Could be a bit faster and with more interesting pieces though.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Awesome! Too bad they’re not bringing back any Chaos Dwarfs. But it looks like they are bringing back some older models…older Dwarf models! :smiley:

Kera foehunter:

i hate gw new site !!! it take too long to find anything!!

and they still don’t have sh–!!!

i guess that the price you pay to play warhammer


Kera–I HATE the new site as well. I don’t know too many people who like it, come to think of it…


Kera--I HATE the new site as well. I don't know too many people who like it, come to think of it...

5 slaves says they all work for GW... in management.

Offer only redeemable February 29th 2010 between 00:00 - 00:01 GMT+2, entrants cannot work for Games Workshop (Ltd) or have any affiliation what so ever, this includes owning miniatures and/or participating in the Hobby (tm)

Tarrakk Blackhand:

New site sux. I still long for the older Canada one that had all the articles, like Warhammer : Skirmish.


Some of the wings weren’t in there last year, not much else “new” though. Note how it says that they can add other classic models if you request them! If only they said how to request…


Perhaps through Customer Service?


The new GW site should be stuffed up the nether orifice of the corporate bean counter who thought up the whole asinine idea. Of course one could just laugh at the fact that I mentioned nether orifice and beans in the same sentence.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

They should re-post the old stuff. It made the site much better, esp when I was getting into Warhammer:Skirmish before they axed it!

I wonder why they’re releasing the old figs? Are they trying to grab a piece of the ol’ Ebay market? So you can buy old figs, but there’s no way of using them in 7th edition because their stats are gone…or possibly on the Auz site. And how long before GW Auz is converted to the “New and Improved”?


I find it funny that GW believes that it was their SITE(S) that were casuing a slip in sales… Um no there guys.


Kera--I HATE the new site as well. I don't know too many people who like it, come to think of it...

5 slaves says they all work for GW... in management.

Offer only redeemable February 29th 2010 between 00:00 - 00:01 GMT+2, entrants cannot work for Games Workshop (Ltd) or have any affiliation what so ever, this includes owning miniatures and/or participating in the Hobby (tm)

All the GW guys I know hate it too. and 4 of them Work in the Glen Burnie (US main office)..


Kera--I HATE the new site as well. I don't know too many people who like it, come to think of it...

5 slaves says they all work for GW... in management.

Offer only redeemable February 29th 2010 between 00:00 - 00:01 GMT+2, entrants cannot work for Games Workshop (Ltd) or have any affiliation what so ever, this includes owning miniatures and/or participating in the Hobby (tm)

All the GW guys I know hate it too. and 4 of them Work in the Glen Burnie (US main office)..

Meh, Glen Burnie... Like they have any pull. Everybody knows that the real sheriffs of this story are sitting in Nottingham. Oddly appropriate enough I say.


Well, considering the current layout was introduced and started in the US, I disagree with your assesment. Call Glen Burnie the Robin Hood of the Forest then, if you must.


Well, considering the current layout was introduced and started in the US, I disagree with your assesment.  Call Glen Burnie the Robin Hood of the Forest then, if you must.

I agree with you. The US Site was overhauled first and it seems to me, becuase the UK site is identical, that the UK copied the US.

Back on the catalogues, is anyone actually going to buy anything from them?


I might buy a chaos sorcerer, a slaanesh champ and the mutation sprue


I just wish they’d make the old 3rd ed Chaos Warriors available again (and the Nurgle guy on the Juggernaut). They used to have them on the site.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I want to build a horse stable for terrain, so I’ll be ordering some loose horses, barrels and other animals. I will be ordering the Drunken Dwarfs sometime as well.