[Archive] Black Sheep - not entirely serious beastmen

Tarrakk Blackhand:


They should go up against a John Deer Lawnmower army.

Father Grumpmas:

They should go up against a John Deer Lawnmower army.

Tarrakk Blackhand
Please don't give me ideas - it leads to things like the Sewer Elfs :P

Kera foehunter:

well i have time * kera lays down in Father grumpmas "s hammock and sips on a rum drink with a umbrella in it and waits for a update


Kera is there some implied metaphor in your statement, hubba, hubba.:o

Father grumpas this may or may not help you. I made some pumpkin patch troops for my dawn of the unsmurf vc army. They count as grave guard. It might be something you would like to make fore your army also.

Kera foehunter:

what ?? is the umbrella to much!!! nice army speedy

Father Grumpmas:

Those are looking good speedy - I’m a bit jealous - off to do something sillier ‘oops’ I mean something more awesome.

Kera foehunter:

well im not budging from the hammock * kera snap here fingers **

pool boy another drink please!

Father Grumpmas:

Kera foehunter:

where the umbrellas ??? father grumpmass pay the fine lad!!

Father Grumpmas:


Speedy: If you’re in North America you need to come to the Anti-Gt. Free drinks and free food over up to 3 days of games! Lots of fun. Your army is perfect for a drinking fest tournament.

Kera foehunter:

thanks !! Father grumass ahhhhhhhh


This is the best army EVER!


Your Doom ewe reminds me of the cow level in Diablo II… MOO MOO moo moo moo MOOOOOO


Very funny and creative army, love the theme, would be happy to play against it once… :slight_smile:

Father Grumpmas:

I’ve been sidelined from this army for a while but I have finally finished my nurgle wargor

Beware the Grim Sheeper

WIP Tzeetch Beastlord and Ozzie Wargor

More to come


yeah,some funny new stuff

@kera:is that a pic of you on the beach?

Kera foehunter:

that some cool updates Father grumpmas!!

i love your ozzy wargor

Hazkar no!!! i was just be funny !!

Father Grumpmas:

Well, I continue to bring disgrace and dishonour to the good name of beastmen, winning only 1 of 6 games in the Tin Soldier competition last weekend.

I did manage to get another Mad Scientist finished and my DOW leadbelchers

Characters for the competiton

DOW leadbelchers

Kera foehunter:

great paint job Father grumpmas!! i love your leadbelcher