[Archive] Bob's Lot O' Dwarves


Been posting mostly on Kings of War Fanatics where we are now Abyssal Dwarves but This army did at first start as a Chaos Dwarf army.

First up a few Black Souls. These guys came from Russian Alternative with a unit filler made from spare parts:

As a wee and dumb lad I used to hate unit fillers.  Now I think they make the hordes look way more interesting. These are the old big hats which I use as my two handed weapon horde complete with a loot deff dread :cheers :

A few half breeds or as us oldies call em bull centaurs. These are the Mantic minis and I really enjoyed them as did my wallet:

And someone to lead the charge alongside as a champion:

Since our armies are built upon the backs of slaves then why not let them take the first wave as well. These are the slave orc gore riders from Mantic. When I saw the chariot I knew they had to be mine:

I have no idea where these guys came from for my dragon fire teams since a friend just gave them to me but I do love em:

And in case somehow the slaves didn’t eat enough arrows then you’d have to send in the gargoyles.  These guys are a really nice addition to the army filling a chaff role that I always wished the chaos dwarves had in fantasy back in the day.

There are more pics scattered throughout my blog though they aren’t taken with the new camera and are a little bleh. I’ll be working to fix that up as the project is now nearing it’s end but if you feel like purusing the blog check it out here:



Lovely army. Coherently painted and gives a striking impression. Very interesting fire team. Wonder what those models are? The beardwork on the Halfbreeds raise them into proper Bull Centaur territory. Great work on your army!


Looks ace! Thanks for sharing… Did they take part in EotA Campaign as well? :slight_smile:


They did take part in that big ol global war. Sadly My best game was a draw so I have truly failed Hashut…


Creating and painting such a lovely army surely must give you some lee-way as to Hashuts wrath.

Ghrask Dragh:

Unfortunately Bob Hashut is incredibly unforgiving… so no-one tell him right guys!

Thats a very cool army you have there dude, I too like the unit fillers, especially with those big hat minis it really breaks everything up nicely :cheers


Very cool army and great paint job! :hat off



They look good!

The basing is incredible, really love it. I am also always a fan of grey skinned chaos dwarves.


Apparently I managed Hashut’s blessing instead because they won the last two matches against non other than our only worthy foe: dwarves (though still a far lesser sub race of our mighty race).

Well got a few more photos finished up so let’s get to it!  First up some of the good old forgeworld Bull Centaurs.  They are being used as Grotesques now and needed a few 50x25 fillers so I had to model up a few of my rival’s ‘soldiers’ doing exactly what I expect them to do…

Got pretty lucky on an ebay auction so I pick up a Ta’Rukipoo but so far haven’t had much luck with him as a Grotesque Champion.  Still a sweet model for sure!

Every once in a while someone makes a model that I just have to have even though I really don’t like the stats. The greater obsidian golem from mantic was very much just that though recently he found a new life as Infernok (seriously hope that guy survives after the campaign!):

And yet another unit of Lesser obsidians.  these were originally Ka’Dai but man was that unit under performing for me.  Now they get to be the lesser horde with a magic item (greater lesser horde?):

No use for this guy in KoW yet (100x150mm bases are a bad idea usually)  but every chaos dwarf army really did need a Ka’Dai destroyer.  Found a few people using this McFarlane toy and what the heck it’s a sweet model!  Besides not all of us are rich but we are crafty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Last and certainly least is another hold over from fantasy mostly though they can be allied in as goblins in KoW.  Since I started my chaos dwarf army before russian alternative my options for hobgoblins were limited on a budget to say the least.  I picked up the mantic goblins and boy were they a pain in the but to make them look decent.  Have another 20 in a box somewhere but just not in a hurry to ever expand them:

Ghrask Dragh:

Sweet! Just sweet.

The Taur’ruk is one of the best new Chaos Dwarf minis, probably one of the best ever so it’s great to see your take one. Very nice Grey scheme for the skin


Great work! Post a list and your units in the galleries and claim some medals dude! :smiley:


Very nice! Glad to have another KoW player amongst us to!


Very, very nice. How much more have you got to show us.


Impressive army!

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Thanks for all the comments everyone!  Still working on the last few regiments before coordinating a giant group photo.  Still have plenty of individual photos to take/sort through in between though:

First up some honest to hashut forgeworld dwarves that are now being used as Immortal Guard:

Another troop of gargoyles gives me plenty of chaff:

Fun fact the slave orc gore rider regiment box from Mantic can easily make a regiment and a troop so here’s the regiment:

What dwarfy army would be caught dead without warmachines?  These guys started life as magma cannons made mostly out of regular dwarves (with a beard job) and the reaper dwarf cannon:

And a dreadquake (now a heavy mortar) made out of a GW paint pot and goblin chariot.  Remember that I am no wealthy Hashut worshiper :cheers:

Finally one of my favorite Mantic models the supreme iron caster on great winged half breed:

Never seem to find a reliable use for the unit entry but the model was way to sweet to pass up! With that I’m almost through the army (oh yes there are more dwarves of course). I also have a few fun toys from the old days of fantasy that have since retired due to a lack of fitting entries so stay tuned…


Just finished up the the last of the immortal guard and berserkers so after this comes the oh so difficult to get group photo of almost too many dwarves.

First up two units of decimators.  These just got an update with the Edge of the Abyss campaign so I’ve been running them as two regiments rather than troops or hordes recently.

I never had the rocket launchers while I was using the army in fantasy but as soon as I got an organ gun from the empire I latched on to the rocket racks right away to make katsuchan rocket launchers!

I don’t really use this guy anymore but he’s such a classic model that I just happened to find on ebay for a reasonable price many years ago.  

Finally another unit of obsidian golems.  Two hordes of these guys have really become my center line they just rarely disapoint:

Now I have to figure out how to get a giant group shot and of course play a 5000 point battle :smiley:


Wonderful army! Post a list and in the relevant Showcase sections and earn yourself some proper bling to the profile! Well done indeed! :slight_smile:


I’ll have to do that after I get the group shot done and edited. Getting to do a full 5k battle today vs Salamanders so should be a big fun time!


I'll have to do that after I get the group shot done and edited.  Getting to do a full 5k battle today vs Salamanders so should be a big fun time!

Haha, crasy.. Whats the table size? Please share photos if you take any! :)


Did the photo shoot and giant battle today!  The battle report will have to wait as I really don’t want to go through that tonight but the photos of the last few units and group shot are done!

First up a second regiment of Immortal Guard:

And the last thing painted a regiment of Berserkers.  They were a ton of fun to modify/paint:

They even have lava Tats and Drink lava while dancing on the bodies of the poor humans!

Finally one of the earliest builds/paints for the army my own custom Drazoth the Ashen made from a toy bull with bloodthirster wings and a kit bashed dwarf on top.  It’s a little rough and I could have done better but I still have a soft spot for him:

Finally the obligatory group shot.  Lighting was a little rough at the shop and I needed a much bigger area than what my light box could hold…

I’ll definitely put up the battle report as it was my last hurah before shelving these guys for a bit. They’ve been by far my most played army in KoW and I really need to get to playing some of the other armies I have finished up as well. Gotta admit I wish I still had another Dawi Zharr in me for the golden hat but I really really really need to stop doing things with lava bases for now! Perhaps next time…

I’ll get the gallery submission up eventually but for now it’s time to take a painting break… :hat off