[Archive] Bows on CD army


Yes! Like the Pet Shop Boys song! "I've got the brains, you've got the brawn. Let's make lots of money!"

Tarrakk Blackhand
OH NO, he's quoting West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys. Send out the guys in the white coats and straight jacket.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

PSB were good. c’mon!


I usually do not play with them. They are relatively cheap, but they are not that cheap. They often get put on a flank away from the general where their ld 6 is a liability. I have this problem with wolf riders as well. One spell blasts a few, panic check, and run. 50 points is 10 sacrificial hobgoblin and a bolt thrower. All of our archer options suffer from animosity so 1/3 of the time, they are either worthless or moving (possibly out of positions and at least taking another -1 to hit). I get by without them.