Alan the evil:
I’m wondering if having any kind of bowers could help a CD army.
I never used them, even because i have no bower models…
If I think about hobbos bowers I’m a little scare to pay for bows, because a bow is much more expensive than an hobbos and they easily have a panic test for casualties because of their T3 and they also have Ld 6… But Orks??
Which is your experience about??
The hobbo archers ar really good for there point cost. 50p for 10 archers is a gr8 deal…
Hobgoblin archers are good value for their points - they fill a gap in our army list as we have no other missile fire (excluding warmachines) that has the ability to fire from turn 1.
They are great for taking out things like fast cavalry, flyers and fanatics and all for only 50 points
Ubertechie: Again we are in agreement.
Hobgoblin archers are a great choice. I’d almost say they are a must, and the only thing that doesn’t make me say so as I tend not to believe in “must haves” in armies.
They are a steal for their cost, and as ubertechie they really fill in some gaps. They offer the mass fire that normal shooting gives you at a decent range. Plus for how cheap they are you can really emphasize the mass fire aspect.
An additional bonus is they can flee any non-hobgoblin units and they won’t cause panics. So they make an interesting meat shield that can shoot.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
These guys combined with the Blunderbusses could make for a very difficult to beat army. The Hobo’s could fire from range while the BB’s move into position.
Hobbo’s do the initial slaying while the BB’s clean up the remaining enemy. Mega bang for the buck!
Mega shread, Mucho dead!
Just don’t expect wonders from them if you engage the wrong targets with them - 10 of them at long range will hit 3.33 times and do 1.66 wounds against t3 opposition - now against 5+ save fast cav that equates to 1.1 wounds - Against fast cavalry that could be 20+ points just for a single model or almost half of their initial points outlay.
The other great thing about them as Swiss mentioned is that you can advance them in-front of your CD’s and when they flee you can happily ignore them.
I usually take 1 unit at 2000 points - sometimes 2 - any more than that and you are better spending the points elsewhere
hope that helps
If you want bows then Orcs are much better for the extra few points. They shoot just as badly but are significantly better in combat and have better stats all round. I always have a few spare Special slots, so I never have to worry about that.
If you want bows then Orcs are much better for the extra few points. They shoot just as badly but are significantly better in combat and have better stats all round. I always have a few spare Special slots, so I never have to worry about that.
Cornixt - Whilst Orcs are significanlty better in combat and are harder to kill being t4 - they have 2 disadvantages in comparison to hobgoblins
1: They cost more points (not a lot but they can make the difference)
2: they have larger bases - 10 wide hobgoblins take up 8 inches (200mm) - 10 wide orcs take up 10 inches (250mm). Factor in that if you take 2 units thats an extra 4 inches of room you have to find in your deployment zone - it doesnt sound like a lot but in my experience the deployment zone can easily become a crowded place with a CD army
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Wow Uber…sounds like you’ve calculated a lot of factors into playing your games. I just play for simplicity.
I’m personally baffled by the idea of having extra special slots. I really enjoy Black Orcs, but I don’t need to take them I guess. I definitely need to take at least a pair of bolt throwers in every size game, and I would take 4 in any 2000+ point game. I’d probably take six in a tournament setting. I also really always want the effect a Death Rocket can bring me (scatter-silly or not, it’s actually more reliable than other stone throwers, crewed by guys with T4, and easy on the points). Failing all of the above, sneaky gits are ridiculously inexpensive and have a lot of devastating potential charging something lightly armored or with high toughness. I guess what I’m trying to say here, is that I want my special choices to do one of the following:
Put the boots to someone’s face (Black Orcs, Sneaky Gits)
Kill stupidly resilient things from a mile away (Death Rocket, Bolt Thrower)
Seriously injure monsters with multiple wounds (All four of the above)
Arrer Boyz do very little of the above. Meanwhile, I want cheap shooty core to do this:
Shoot out Fast Cav and Flyers that are trying to chargeblock me
Stand in front of things that hurt a lot, and make them overrun somewhere I want them
Hobgoblin bowmen do both of these as well as Arrer Boyz, and are cheaper.
I usually have 2 or 3 Hobgoblin archers in my army, they might not kill much for me but 20-30 shots a turn usually will do something.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
2030 shots a turn
I want to be in your army! (You probably meant 20-30.)
2030 shots a turn
I want to be in your army! (You probably meant 20-30.)
Tarrakk Blackhand
Yes, I'll fix that.
Come to think about it, between my magic heavy army if I had 2030 shots a turn I should beat most of the uber armies out there.
Groznit Goregut:
The only thing that arrer boyz have that hobgoblins don’t is light armor, T4, choppas, and Ld 7 (instead of 6). To me, it isn’t really worth it for the points and special slot.
Coming from an Orc and Goblin perspective, I find it really funny how many CD players are worried about their hobgoblin units fleeing. Especially those who don’t like units of 10 hobgoblins for fear of someone making them flee. Most Greenskin players would be happy that the enemy was even bothering to waste any effort into taking some out. Instead of shooting or casting spells at one of your more effective units, they are wasting time trying to take out a 50 pt unit (if it�?Ts archers, but only 20 pts if regular infantry). If these hobgoblin units really hold a place that you need it, can�?Tt you afford two of them at that price? Or just keep it in range of the general?
A unit of 10 greenskins (hobgoblin or orc) should be cheap units that can easily be thrown away. Sometimes they can win you the game. Sometimes they run off the table in the first turn. Their most effective use is either as a sacrificial unit, re-director, distraction (shoot me! shoot me!), or table quarter gatherer.
Wow Uber...sounds like you've calculated a lot of factors into playing your games. I just play for simplicity.
Tarrakk Blackhand
I am gifted with being highly numerate so when I play I run the numbers on any given situation in my head - to me it is simple and means that I know what i am getting myself into - it doesnt detract from the fun for me in fact it probably adds to it but then maybe that makes me a bit odd - who knows
I try to keep my Hobgob bowman within 12 inches of the General and the Banner of Slavery (re-roll failed psychology tests).
I use the arrer boyz more than the hobbos with bows however both are useful as warmachine guards.You can never tell when that volley manages to inflict the last wound on that character or monster .They are worth every penny :hat
Tarrakk Blackhand:
I am gifted with being highly numerate
If this is the case, then you and I should get to gether and go to Las Vegas.
Quote=ubertechie]I am gifted with being highly numerate
Tarrakk Blackhand
If this is the case, then you and I should get to gether and go to Las Vegas.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Yes! Like the Pet Shop Boys song! “I’ve got the brains, you’ve got the brawn. Let’s make lots of money!”