[Archive] Brown skin?


Hi long time no see.

Gonna start up a DE army again, they have been itching me since I got back in the hobby. But the CD’s and TK’s lured me away with their temptations. But soon done with the dwarfs and ever since I saw the gamezone resin spearmen I cant containe myself. And I need to buy me some Dark Elf figgs.

Now for the real reason I’m here. I want them to have brown skin. And I really have something in mind for it. Just to stupid to figure out the right colors for it. Have ideas for colors to use and in the way I should apply them, please share it with me.

Here is the model for my skin tone.

Have been holding up paint jarrs to the pc screen all day and I feel I aint got the right colors for it. Khemri brown seems to dark and dheneb stone dont feel brown enough.

But maybe Dheneb stone would work with a brown wash over it, then reused as the base, but what should I use for highligt then? Need a good color for the lips also.

Here is my idea kinda for the color scheme.

Since I will have white hair and other details I will have to shade em difrently and perheaps make the none hair white more pearl colord. Had some crazy idea with shading the white cloth with pink. When I tought about it I was sure I was heading for a noble prize, not so sure anymore thou.

Also just a random question, will metel models survive 15 min in a oven at 100 degrees celsius?

Anyone read this and understand it, thanks for taking the time to read it, hoping for an answear also ^^


Also just a random question, will metel models survive 15 min in a oven at 100 degrees celsius?

No, they will melt


I would likely use Khemri brown as the base color and work it up with highlights by mixing a little more Ushabti Bone into each layer.


Also just a random question, will metel models survive 15 min in a oven at 100 degrees celsius?

No, they will melt

Hmm tought the melting point would be at around 180 degrees, I migt try a test with some spare bit just to make sure.
I would likely use Khemri brown as the base color and work it up with highlights by mixing a little more Ushabti Bone into each layer.

I'm really bad at mixing the colors myself, and this will be for an entire army so really would prefer having 2-3 pots to use in my asembly line.

Thanks for the responses.


The actual melting point is higher, but it goes soft at lower temperatures such that pressure will distort it.


yeah you are probably right, would be stupid to risk it.


A friend brought his mega paint set over so I could ogle all the colors in the flesh so to speak.

Gonna go Khemri brown/Baneblade Brown > Kommando Khaki/Karak Stone > Pallid Flesh (not as yellow as elf flesh).

That seemed to be the most resonable from what I saw, will use valejo also.

And mhe girls get pink lips males… well screw the males.

Still a bit iffy on my turquise. I only own blue wash and icy blue to go with that one, but hoping that will do.