[Archive] Brush Slave 2011 - round up


Happy New Year!

We have now finished the first season of the Brush Slave Painting Challenge. And what a year it has been. Lots of miniatures have found paints and we have seen some spectacular pieces during the first season.

Now who don’t remember entries like: Thommy H’s and Kahn!'s repainted HeroQuests, Blue’s fantastic Ori Pointed-Beard, GRNDL’s Judge Dreed, G2’s Quars, Bolg’s repainted toys, Abecedar’s White Christmas and … and …? - the list is so, so long :slight_smile: We have seen so many spectacular, well painted and interesting miniatures through out 2011.

As I can’t mention them all - so, I’ve created this little slide-show - now please enjoy:

And now the final result:

Abecedar (9)***

bas_2312 (3)

Bassman (1)

Blue in VT (1)*

Bolg (7)*

Borador (3)*

Clam (6)*

Golder Goldeater (1)

G.2 (9)***

Hazkar (8)***

Herby (3)***

Inkpwn (2)

Loki (1)

Lord Aldades (2)*

Pyro Stick (1)*

Ryanamandaanna (3)

theforgefather (1)*

Tribun (1)

warh (7)***

Zanko (6)

=finished the December Challenge - single miniature entry

=finished the December Challenge doing a duel

***=finished the December Challenge doing a diorama

So … The Brush Slave Champion … or rather Champions (as it’s a tie) are:

[align=center]Abecedar and G2


Congrats guys - been a pleasure having you on board. Thanks for all you efforts and cool paintings.

So what about “the prize”? - as it’s a tie I found it most fair to split it in two. Therefore, have added another 4 Heavy Elites to the set, so Abecadar will now get a set of 4 Warriors and an overlord. G2 will then have a set of 4 warriors and a command group.

Thanks to all. Till those that took part, those that voted in the many polls and the many lurkers. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure spending 2011 with you all.

Thank you for a great painting year - and thanks for all your weird and wonderful creations. I hope to see you all/most of you back in 2012 - in our first Brush Slave Paining League (and ‘yes’ - it’s still possible signing up for that - http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10239 :))


Thank you very much Clam for setting up Brush Slave. I personally have enjoyed being part of it all. I have managed to paint various miniatures, which would not have seen any paint unless it was for BS.

I have also looked forward to seeing my fellow CDO member’s entries, and have been pleasantly surprised with the results. Your slide-show highlights that quite well.

So again, thank you for setting this up for us, and I look forward to the Brush Slave League in 2012.


I very much agree. Clam has been the glue that kept it all together. Even though there’s been some amazing entries over the months, the real winner, IMO, is Clam for creating the banner that others have flocked to.

Cheers Clam!

& of course, gtarzies to Abecedar and G.2 for wading through the clash of the titans!

Kera foehunter:

So help him out !! you crabby old cuss grndl!!

Paint something

Kera smiles nice work guys love the slide show Clam


So help him out !! you crabby old cuss grndl!!
Paint something

Kera foehunter
What are you talking about? I entered a few things. More than you, that's for sure.


Thanx Clam! And the slide show is quite cool (:


Congrats to the Brush Slave Winners and especially clam for his great work! :hat off

Now I’m excited to take part in the new Brush Slave Painting League! :cheers


Blue in VT:

Congrats to the Brush Slave Winners and especially clam for his great work! :hat off

Now I'm excited to take part in the new Brush Slave Painting League! :cheers

+1!!! its been a great run this year with some fantastic entries....But I too am very excited to see the new league come to life!




congrats to you two!


Congrats to the winners!

And a big thanks to Clam!

I’m really stoked for the league hehe (:


Huge Thanks Clam. The Brush Slave Challenge got me actually painting instead of dithering and is really why I have actually painted anything in this last year. I didn’t know what I was doing (still don’t) and I wasn’t going to learn much the way I was going.

So Thanks again. Big Time.


As said it has been a pleasure - and yes, we certainly have had a lot of cool entries. Hopefully the 2012 League Season will be as successful. I’ll make the official announcement in a few days - so we have like 8 weeks to do our starting team.

@G.2 and @Abecedar. I’ll be needing your postal details, so we can sent your prizes :slight_smile:

@G.2: I asked for another favour, did you see? Hopefully you’ll help me out again :rolleyes:



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Congratulations to Abecedar and G2,you deserved it.(by the way,just realised I´m the vice-champion…yeehaa!)

Okay,time to get serious again:Clam,thank you for starting and organizing the BS.Also thank all of you for makeing this to such a great event

Hope to see all of you again at the Brush Slave League