Spring-time here in Northern Europe and what better time for having our 2nd themed round of this 2013/14 season (Warning: 8th will be themed as well - so now you know ;))
So, I have one question for you all: “You green …?” … “Green?” … “Super-green…?”
Task is simple, paint “green skin”, and by green skin I literally mean green skin - and not just “green skins”. So, it’s not about Orcs and Goblins. No, anything with green skin counts - so it can be humanoid, insectoid, reptilian, beasty, birdy, fishy …? As long as it a “living creature” and a significant part of the skin is green, it counts
Should you succeed interpreting this theme there will be a 50% bonus reward for you - rounded up - with a maximum of 3 points. So 6 green skinned standard sized miniatures can give you a 9 points reward.
And like previously, you can always pass this opportunity and go you own ways, doing whatever you want to do.
All coaches (regulars or new) that wants to join will have to present a newly painted entry before: Saturday April 5th 2014, 11:59 pm (GMT)
And all the usual rules apply (PMed/emailed, 800x800 pix max, Title … blah, blah) - of course.
See you all there
List of coaches for Season 2013/14, round 6: (Entry received)
Big thanks to bas_2312 and Mostyn for showing the BSL-flag.
Me own 7 Orcs are still standing here without their bases done. For that I am sorry. I was so sure I would make it, but the depressing news about more surgery must have weakened my immune system, since I was knocked down by yet another round of flu - and been laying in bed since Wednesday !!!