[Archive] Bullet Magnet

Grimbold Blackhammer:

I used my K’daii Fireborn yesterday for the first time against my (fr)enemy’s Dark Elves. He had 3 units of 20 Repeater Crossbowmen as the center of his battle line and I used my K’daii Fireborn as a vanguard to cover the advance of my Infernal Guard. My opponent rained crossbow shots at them all game and did a total of ZERO wounds. So I ran the numbers and because he was only hitting me on 6’s most of the time (K’daii are fast and kept over-running past his units front arc), I worked it out and it would take, with the reroll to wound, 108 shots to cause 1 tiny wound! Even an average round of shooting from a Hellblaster with an Engineer should only kill a single model! I thought Bull Centaurs were pretty good until I ran yesterday’s gauntlet of arrows. Today I’m loving my K’daii. So as a tactic, these folks are probably one of the best if not THE best screens in the game right now!

Grimbold Blackhammer


Thanks for the info, cant wait to get mine going.

The Odor:

Hmm… The motivation for trading in my Centaurs for some K’daai keep stacking… But for my fluff it makes no sense…


I still think that Fireborn are way too expensive (and/or self-destructive) to work well. A medium sized unit costs about as much as a large unit of IG, and is more expensive than a Destroyer.

But, good on you that they worked so well. :smiley:

Grimbold Blackhammer:

My only use of them so far (so hopefully I’ll have more anecdotal evidence to back this up down the road) was to kill three units of Crossbowmen and panic a unit of spearmen/powerdice off the table (yay!). And in the process they took no wounds from combat. As a Dark Elf player I quickly learned just how powerful Hatred is. It often turns a round of combat my way. K’daii on the other hand have the effect of anti-Hatred. The re-rolling successful wounds kept turning the handful of wounds he was doing to just one or none. It was much more effective than I expected making the K’daii super-durable…

Grimbold Blackhammer


I have only played for games with Chaos Dwarfs, but everytime my bullcentaurs get murdered or do not make their points, I figured with a 2+ armor save and T 5 they would be great with gw’s But I am not having any luck. I ordered two sets of K’daai and will try using a unit of 6


I am hesitant about using the Fireborn. They are only effective in a block of six or larger, which starts to exceed the almighty Destroyer. Having only 2 wounds isn’t the best of fun either, especially when a failed toughness test says you lose a guy everytime. I want to use them, I am just scared that they won’t make it to be worth the points.


I’ve yet to have a unit of six Fireborn survive past turn four. Between burn out, Unstable, and only two wounds each, they simply don’t have much sticking power.

In the last game I used them, they struggled for three turns to get through a horde of Bretonnian Men-at-Arms (gradually burning through the unit but Steadfast meant they weren’t going anywhere) and with only one K’daai surviving that, he then got show by bowmen and died. I’m not sure I’ll be using Fireborn very often from now on.

Beautiful models though.

Magma Quake:

I have had mixed results.

In the first game I used them against Orcs they were obscene. They took the charge from Boarboys, Black Orcs, a Giant and a small unit of Night Goblins. They didn’t take one wound from that lot, killed the Boar boys and incinerated the night goblins in the first round of combat. Held the rest of the units there for another 2 turns by which time shorter legged reinforcements turned up.

In the second game I used them against the same opponent (who now knew they need dealing with), they still did well as they attracted the attentions of a Mangler squig, a squig herd, a night goblin horde as well as most of the Orc magic output until they crumbled in turn 3. Even though they were wiped out, the FEAR they caused my opponent in game 2 make them a nice unit.

Game 3 tonight (I won the first one, lost the second) and I am leaving them at home to try a Bull Centaur unit instead.


They are the most interesting unit in the LoA for me, I love 'em.

The auto-hits and Strength 5 stomps are brutal, their attacks are just the icing on the cake :slight_smile:

Grimbold Blackhammer:

Doh! I thought they were only St4!! I wasn’t even using them to their full potential!!

Grimbold Blackhammer


How many do you usually run, Bagg? Six? I’ve found it to pretty much be the magic number for frontage/durability/damage potential.

I’ve never seen a unit do so much damage to an Ogre unit - six Kdaii and Ashstorm is fantastic.


Six, yes. Any less is unfeasible due to the T tests, any more gets pretty expensive. Plus I only have 6 models :wink:

One day, for a laugh, I’ll try a ‘FireStar’ of 18 (18 inc Manburner is 1000pts on the dot ;P). It’ll ruin enemy units and be very hard to get points off. Stick that into some Ogres and add Ashstorm for mind-boggling damage.


Oh sick, I didn’t realize that they also got the benefit from the new faq! I’ll probably get some right now!


I’ve seen a chart that tells you that the Destroyer is harder to take down than before for enemies that are S5 and up, but is it the same with the regular K’daii?


I've yet to have a unit of six Fireborn survive past turn four. Between burn out, Unstable, and only two wounds each, they simply don't have much sticking power.

In the last game I used them, they struggled for three turns to get through a horde of Bretonnian Men-at-Arms (gradually burning through the unit but Steadfast meant they weren't going anywhere) and with only one K'daai surviving that, he then got show by bowmen and died. I'm not sure I'll be using Fireborn very often from now on.

Beautiful models though.

Yeah thats a huge point sink compared to men at arms, but with all new FAQ they seem harder to take down.


They are pretty hard to take down, as the FAQ benefitted the smaller guys more than our Destroyer. However, it is their Burning Bright rule and lack of a decent Wound stat that starts chewing them apart.


SO I am brand new to Chaos Dwarfs, my initial model order has not even arrived yet. Do you run the K’daai 6 wide? or 3x2?

Thommy H:

Why would you ever want to run them six wide? As monstrous infantry, they get a rank bonus from three models, and can make up to three supporting Attacks each. With a six wide unit you won’t often be getting more than four of them into combat, but if they’re three by two, your whole unit effectively gets to strike and you get a +1 rank bonus. Plus you won’t give away Steadfast to the enemy so easily.


I suppose if you wanted six wide, you’d have to run Bagg’s “Firestar” at least three deep, and send it after ogre units/opposing Hordes.

Thommy H:

Yeah, sorry, I was assuming it was a choice between six by one and three by two. If you have enough of them to horde, then go for it. Otherwise, go with the rank.