Great looking rats! The blue parts of the warlock really make it look magical.
Great looking rats! The blue parts of the warlock really make it look magical.
Rather lovely Dwarfs and good impression with the Skaven there!
Thanks everyone! :hat off
I really appreciate the encouragement - I have been working on other people’s armies for quite some time now and I have allot more Dwarves and Skaven yet to finish but I am looking forward to getting back to doing Chaos Dwarf related stuff soon-ish
I continue to plow forward doing my Dwarf and Rat work, here is a unit of our despicable Unkin with the audacity to consort with woodland creatures.
“Berzeker Brock Riders” with the Brew of Sharpness Artifact - or as we have dubbed them “Killy Bears”
A second unit of bear riders is already barreling down my other flank (as usual! :P) and should be finished soon. Another unit closer to finsihing and getting back to Chaos Dwarves! :cheers
Uther the unhinged:
Those bears are stunning, for despicable unkin, obviously. Are they scibor minis?
Those bears are stunning, for despicable unkin, obviously. Are they scibor minis?Thanks so much :hat off
Uther the unhinged
Nice paintjob and basing on those bear riders! May they rend and tear through enemy ranks.
Those poor (glorious) Bears. So sad, despondent and degraded by having Vanilla Dwarves as riders.
Wow! dwarves on bears! I love them! Could easily just be painted up in chaos colors! Yours are ace though! Well done!
This is really a cool unit. That Norbazwerge miniatures look great when well painted!
Thanks everyone! :cheers
Should have another unit of bears posted up soon.
More Bear Riding Dwarves!
These are the Berzerker Brock Riders with the Potion of The Catapiller, or as we generally call them “Ranger Bears”
My fellow Dawi-Zhar I also present to you the supreme nemesis of Karagazkar: The Destroyer of Golems, Smasher of Warmachines, Bullcentaur’s Bane, Slayer of Immortals, and Hunter of Lammasu. A nameless unkin leader known only as “The Bear King”… I hate this guy so much, no single unit has ever caused me as much trouble as this guy does basically every single game (Berzerker Lord on Brock with Blade of The Beast Slayer - Scibor Bear with The Russian Alternative’s Dwarf King of Adamantium Ridge)
Awww. Dat one doesn’t look as scary as the others.
Really nice job on the bear riders. They will look great going to battle. I like your unit poses on the unit base as well. Nice job avoiding static poses!
Uther the unhinged:
They look superb,great basing. The only problem is that now I want chaos bears. Sadly that will have to wait. In the meantime I will drool over yours.