[Archive] Carven Images: Hand of Hashut in Pictures, Courtesy of Timothy Colonna



“And as we searched for our lost riches amid the rubble and ruins of our own age, we uncovered ancient treasures, ancient beyond our ken…”



In the midst of image salvage during our Photobucket woes, Chaos Dwarfs Online received an unexpected offer. It was a gift from Timothy Colonna, the owner of the old Hand of Hashut domain, the former Chaos Dwarf website. He kindly offered us salvaged pictures from the Hand of Hashut, which I’ve quickly puzzled together in MS Paint compilation strings. Colonna has done a great job searching out all manner of interesting pictures for us to view!

Please note that the random number/letter file names as I received them meant that the pictures were not grouped together (they were wildly scattered in the file list), and furthermore there were a considerable amount of duplicate pictures, as should be expected. I’ve tried to avoid these, but need to work quickly these days and haven’t had time to check. Please expect some repetition and don’t expect the layout to hold a candle to any standard worth glancing at.

This is archive material, from the days of Chaos Dwarf collectors online before this very website was created back in 2007. Its age will show, yet also its ingenuities.

Among the notable things are to be found the very first recorded Chaos Dwarf cruelty to Elves (a Wood Elf on a sacrificial altar), a pattern which you soon enough will see has held true here on CDO.

There are also some neat kitbashing, from back in the days when Games Workshop’s bitz service made it possible for collectors to order Bull Centaur bodies, Hellcannon crew, Hellcannon parts and Ork gunnery wheels. Those days are now long past, and as we know there has followed a frenzy of scratchbuilding, self-sculpting, converting and eventually also a plethora of independent companies selling evil Dwarf miniatures of various sorts.

It is a time document, and thanks to T. Colonna, this chapter of Chaos Dwarf collector history is not lost, with all its creativity and inspirational material.

Harken now, for the Hand of Hashut moves!

Hand of Hashut Concept Artwork

Google Drive Folder

Imgur Album

Hand of Hashut Modelling & Painting Images & Miscellaneous

Google Drive Folder

Imgur Album


[]Concept Artwork

]Painting & Modelling

[]Off-Topic Models

]Inspirational Pictures

[]Maps of the Dark Lands



Concept Artwork

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Painting & Modelling

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Off-Topic Models

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Inspirational Pictures

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Maps of the Dark Lands

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Some classic work in there! Very cool. :slight_smile:


Wow, that makes me feel old now that a few bits of mine are in there!

Cheers for putting this up, what a blast from the past.


Really need to take some time and go thought these… Dang. :o:o:cheers


We’ve got some more stuff sent over by mr. Colonna, but processing it will have to wait until later. In the meanwhile, this thread gets un-stickied, in order to save on space up at the forum top (and also because it’s linked-to via the main image salvage thread).


Very nice to see these preserved!