[Archive] CD train thing


Don’t remember who posted it, and I can’t find the threat anymore, but someone posted a “train thing” miniature (non GW) somewhere.

I need some sort of train to work on a conversion that keeps on buzzing in my (empty) brain like an annoying fly.

That thing was perfect for my needs: it was squared, bulky, covered in iron (a train but in a “fantasy way”). If you can help me please, can you post links/photos??? thanks :cheers

Pyro Stick:

I dont remember anything about a train like model. I did a search and this is the closest thing i could find:

I would be interested in seeing this other train model you are talking about though. Its a concept i never thought about for chaos dwarfs.


Meh, I don’t remember if it was a train or if I “saw” it as train (I tend to cannibalize every interesting bit)…

I’m 100% sure about it’s non GW origin.

Also, now that you mention it I remember that it wasn’t a photo but a link to an online store.


This one?



Thanks Tjub, I owe you a crate of beers!!!

That-is-EXACTLY what I needed!!! have some slaves :cheers



My modeling knife is hot on its blade, it’s eager to cut it! ShhhlluuurP!!!


Still waiting for the one I ordered a week back now …

Kera foehunter:

some cool looking machines i like the drilling machine