[Archive] CDO Forum Issues & Site Errors


Since mid-June CDO has been experiencing issues with particular areas of the forum. The error message will occur after a new post is made to a forum that someone has subscribed to for updates. You will see something like:

MySQL error: 1364

Field ‘headers’ doesn’t have a default value

Query: INSERT INTO mybb_mailqueue (mailto, mailfrom, subject, message) VALUES (‘someone@mailserver.com’, ‘’, ‘New Thread in Staff’, ‘Username,\n\nNicodemus has just started a new thread in Staff\nThis is a forum you have subscribed to at CDO Forums.\n\nThe thread is titled test2\n\nHere is an excerpt of the message:\n–\nanother test… (visit the thread to read more…)\n–\n\nTo view the thread, you can go to the following URL:\nCDO Forums may also be other new threads and replies but you will not receive anymore notifications until you visit the board again.\n\nThank you,\nCDO Forums Staff\n\n------------------------------------------\nUnsubscription Information:\n\nIf you would not like to receive any more notifications of new threads in this forum, visit the following URL in your browser:\nCDO Forums’)
On the server-side it seems that some of the SQL functionality of our host’s server have not been configured correctly, which results in an error message being issued instead of being forwarded to the new post.

While the posts still get created, the error triggers before the form can update the other parts of the site that keep track of the latest posts. As a result you will not be aware of some new posts if you are browsing the forum and clicking the “View Today’s Posts” won’t display these new posts either.

We’ve been aware of this problem since the site was migrated to a new server mid-June and there are several posts behind-the-scenes in the staff and admin sections of the site that most forum members don’t have access to.  Xander and I have exchanged text messages about this as well, but it requires some level of involvement from our hosting company as well, which adds to the delays.

Hang in there… we have a very good picture of what the problem is and how to fix it. It’ll just take some time!

Meanwhile, feel free to browse through the forum manually and you may be surprised at a few of the thread contributions hiding here and there!! :hat off



Haha, in fact, I got the error message when I posted this message as well :wink:


Thank you very much, Nicodemus! Fingers crossed our tech-savants can iron it out. :hat off

And since the forum errors include some threads not updating properly in the forum list: Deadline for the Artisan’s Contest pushed 24 hours. Turned out too busy with work to handle it today, so any revisions and latecomers are welcome.


Great work Nico thanks for keeping us up to date! :slight_smile:


Thanks for working on this, I was already wondering about the drop in new posts. Well now there is an opportunity to stroll through each and every board for hidden gems :hat off


Thanks for working on this, I was already wondering about the drop in new posts. Well now there is an opportunity to stroll through each and every board for hidden gems :hat off

At least that was my attempt to put a positive spin on it ;)


I’ve submitted a ticket to support, and hopefully they can resolve it. My research suggests it’s a quick settings fix, but I don’t have the required privileges to make the change myself, so I have requested that the host does it for me, stay tuned!


Guess we can add another SQL issue to the list - updating images to the wiki generated:

Database error

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

    (SQL query hidden)

from within function “Revision::insertOn”. MySQL returned error “1406: Data too long for column ‘rev_comment’ at row 1 (localhost)”.
The image update was applied but when the image is clicked there’s an error on the subsequent page indicating that there is data missing… will link in the staff thread.



Ouch! When it rains, it pours…

I’m so glad you’re here to try and tackle the issues, Nico. Please know we all value your efforts highly. :slight_smile:

The current site errors means the new voting thread for ACXXVII didn’t get updated in the forum list. So here it is, until it happens with the seemingly usual lag.


The host has switched us to a new server, so hopefully that clears up the errors!


Some things working, other things still not quite. Wiki is currently unavailable and I can’t seem to figure out where we’re getting redirected to, but it isn’t our index.php page by the look of what’s loading…

If anyone else notices odd behaviour over the next day or so please post it here!



At least the posting bit seems to work now, thanks alot for putting time into this guys!

Uther the unhinged:

Well done guys. Thank you for what you have done!

Reaver of Uzkulak :

Thanks for all of the hard work folks, greatly appreciated! :cheers


Some things working, other things still not quite.  Wiki is currently unavailable and I can't seem to figure out where we're getting redirected to, but it isn't our index.php page by the look of what's loading...

If anyone else notices odd behaviour over the next day or so please post it here!

Splendid work, Nicodemus! :hat off


Thank you guys for the fixes :slight_smile: