[Archive] CDO Website Changes



[align=center]Mega-Threads in Chaos Dwarf General Discussion[/align]

Greetings, folks!

Multiple existing threads have been merged and hijacked to serve as mega-threads fo AoS Dawi Zharr & Twisted Duardin, T9A Infernal Dwarves and KoW Abyssal Dwarves and Blood Bowl & Fantasy Football Chaos Dwarfs. Please keep most AoS, KoW, T9A and BB Chaos/Abyssal/Infernal Dwarf discussion to those threads. Topics which do not necessarily need a new thread will me merged with the mega-threads per routine, going forward.

These big threads are for the need of Chaos Dwarfs Online to register in the top search results for evil dwarfs in the various new settings. By keeping discussions concentrated we stand a better chance to appear on the Google radar in the current split wargaming milieu.

Unlike the aforementioned AoS, T9A and KoW Mega-Threads, the BB/fantasy football one will also feature relevant miniature news from all companies (whereas only GW/FW will show up for AoS, and Mantic for KoW).

The Staff

Also on CDO
Artisan’s Contest XXIX: Deadline 18th of January 2020

Fuggit Khan:

This is definitely a huge undertaking, and I’d like to thank Hashut for such devout servants here on CDO :hat off

A great initiative!


Reaver of Uzkulak :

While I acknowledge the ease of posting to facebook, for me this forum sparks more creativity than a casual scroll through facebook. Personally, I find that participating here in this well curated environment with such collaborative folks to be more rewarding in the long run. Here’s to the revamp going smoothly, Zharr will survive!


Sounds good this, yes forums are a thing of the past with the social platforms, as the project moves forward let me know and I’ll put a CDO splash in my battlereport videos moving forward


Sounds great - good luck to the team on this exciting new era for the undying CDO


Jupp, I think most of us feel kind of the same regarding “social platforms” or Forums. So with the ability to host/upload photos to the forum will make it alot smoother to post and hopefully survive for years to come…

Admiral is really doing an epic job here! :hat off


Hear, hear. Well said.


i applaud all the efforts you guys have made over the years to make this forum to what it is today. I don’t do facebook, so a forum like this is crucial for me!


i applaud all the efforts you guys have made over the years to make this forum to what it is today. I don't do facebook, so a forum like this is crucial for me!

I couldn't agree more. ;)


Hashut’s Blessing:

Absolutely fantastic ideas. And the great thing that a forum can do that Facebook and the like haven’t mastered is proper and decent blogs. As well as easier search functionalities and just straight up finding topics you want to read/talk about by getting a headline and choosing to pop into the conversation.

You guys have done fantastic work from what I can see over the last few years and I’m grateful you’ve kept things going and given me a place i can come back to.


Absolutely fantastic ideas. And the great thing that a forum can do that Facebook and the like haven't mastered is proper and decent blogs. As well as easier search functionalities and just straight up finding topics you want to read/talk about by getting a headline and choosing to pop into the conversation.

You guys have done fantastic work from what I can see over the last few years and I'm grateful you've kept things going and given me a place i can come back to.

Hashut's Blessing
Oh, and Welcome back! What are your dark plans for the future? :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

Thanks, tjub! I have many and varied plans for the dark future. I mean dark plans for the many and varied futures. I mean… urm… Cake?

I do plan to start up a new blog as I try coming back into the fold. I still technically moderate the Chaos Dwarfs Online Facebook group too. I’m aiming to build a full Age of Sigmar Legion of Azgorh force and I want to paint all of it properly and as best I can. I’m also looking at Star Wars Legion - have some models, but not been able to prime them over winter. Looking to sort out proper terrain and gaming area and start playing. I also plan to still use my Chaos Dwarfs for some 8th edition playing, if I can find some local players - not sure yet if I’ll finagle the bases onto trays or just go for 4th edition big hats for 8th and Forgeworld roundies for Age of Sigmar or what. My big plan is still to make my K’daii Destroyer (a treat after building the core of my force) from all those years ago when I was still frequently on here (for Age of Sigmar, I plan to use Orghotts Daemonspew’s rules as they seem to most closely fit the profile from the Tamurkhan book).

I want to get back to being active on here (and in general, frankly) and get involved in the contests and pushing forward witht he Chaos Dwarf narrative where I can. I gotta earn my username back, after all :wink: