[Archive] CDO Webzine Project


Update: we are inching closer to the deadline for submissions. For a reminder the deadline for submission is Saturday, May 31st.

Last bits are the cover and one article needs an additional page finished up. There might be a chance for 1 page available for an article. Those interested please send a submission in by the deadline.

The deadline will be firm as I have to get it to Sojourn for proofreading and editing.

Even thou not till the fall will take submissions for the Fall edition at any time.


Being a webzine, I hope you have it set up as landscape. I hate having to do the scroll-up scroll-down scroll-up scroll-down just read a page.


Nope portrait. I have however made sure everything is converted to CMYK in case someone wants to print them out. If you happen to have a printer with duplex printing capabilities (or borrow one) it should back up correctly for double sided printing as well.



We are nearing the “end zone” for submissions. Saturday will be the cut off. Since the next issue won’t be till fall I encourage everyone to start thinking of submissions for the next issue, plenty of time.

As of right now we are finalizing some bits here and there and shifting a few things around. Soon its off to revisions, proofing and editing. June 28th looks very dooable at this stage of the game.

:hat off to everyone involved… the first issue will be here soon.



Yay! I’m pleased to know I will have ample time to review and get it back for any changes :slight_smile:

so, to you writers, time for this webzine is almost up! get those ideas out pronto!


Content for the Summer 2008 issue are no longer being accepted as all parts are now in for the No. 1 Issue - Summer 2008. Thank you to all who submitted articles. Very shortly it will be off to editing!

Again don’t forget to start submissions, working on articles for No 2 Issue - Fall 2008.


I have just received the cover for the webzine and lets just say its STAGGERING. Unbelievable, words are useless on this, I cannot wait for everyone to see it.

All parts are now in and by Monday editing should begin.

(Sorry HB, but this warrants a double post…! :slight_smile:


editing is currently underway!!! I’m glad I have about 1 month to edit since there is SO MUCH STUFF packed into one webzine! it looks like it will be an impressive first issue! :slight_smile:


Thats awesome. I haven’t been on this forum for a very long time. I could do an article or something in the next one if you want.


Good to hear we will make and announcement in a few weeks regarding that.

Good news everyone Sojourn has reported that editing is done! All that is left is to finish the edits, make teh final PDF and we are done with issue #1!

Looks like Saturday will be doable for posting, might slip till Sunday night but stay tuned, almost there.


Would scenarios be any good? I always liked it when WD provided a scenario, even the ultra-cheesy Elfincourt.


Sure. We are placing the final edits on issue one now. This weekend our first issue will be out Huzzah!

Once it is out we will start accepting submissions for issue #2 due out in September.

Knight Of Awsome:

Sweet i cant wait to read it, how big is the file size? Just a wonder…:~


12 MB. Kept it at a high level in case someone wants to print it out.

First issue is now up: https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/t/8363


Does constructive criticism go here?


Does constructive criticism go here?

Sure if this is where you want to post it.


Ok. The cover artwork was brillaint, but some of the articles were extremely fragmented and scattered around, which made them a chore to read. Also a slight cutback on the pages and pages of fan fiction might be an idea. Just my two cents.


Thanks for your input into the matter there Voice.


Having finished the first volume, have you had any new ideas for content, or any areas you would like to expand?


We do. There is going to be a ton of art in the next one and ideals are being formulated. I am working out the basic layout now in and effort to make it more readable. also we will be expanding the age count most likely. Stories will be in again. Perhaps a battle report as well.