[Archive] Chaos Dwarf Battalion Box, what would you like to see?


Army list from GW first please.


That would help to decide the items in the box.


Like the new avatar Dude.


Thanks, Servius did it for me with one other. I was talking to him last night while he was working on his and he offered to redo my Avatar. I’ve been using the same one since 2003. He got them from base images from the Hobbit video game.

Pyro Stick:

I got to thinking about what I would like to see in a Chaos Dwarf Battalion box.  After digging through the old Chaos Dwarf army book for a little while, I came up with a list that I would be happy with.  What would you like to see?  Keep in mind that most Battalion Boxes have 48 models in it (Warmachines take up three of those spaces.)

Here's my list:

20 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
10 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss
10 Hobgoblins
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders
1 Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower

I would never buy that. Its got way too many hobgoblins. It has practically none of the iconic Chaos Dwarf Units. I would want to see a battalion box something like this:

Chaos Dwarf General/Hero
Chaos Dwarf Sorceror
20 Chaos Dwarf Warriors
1 Death Rocket
15 Blunderbuss
10 Immortals/Bull Centaurs
and there would probably be a Limited Edition Battle Standard Bearer in there somewhere.


Probably like too see (realisticly)

16-20 CD warriors

12 or more CD’s with Blunderbusses

20 Hobgoblins

1 CD hero

Kera foehunter:

A gang of slaves would be cool !! they could use the zombie from the vcs

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I’ll agree with Pyro…but throw in some Hobbo’s and Sneaky Gits just to increase the contents of the box! :smiley:

Kera foehunter:

Maybe have lots of hobgoblins parts, so that you can make them rider archers or the sneaky ones


Idoubt very much the Blunderbusses and the warriors will be combined. I’d also point out we have no idea what the new Chaos Dwarf range would include. For all we know we could be up for a total redesign like we had between third and fourth editions

Kera foehunter:

agpo i heard that they going to out the boar centaur in the box set


It would be unlikely to not have some sort of core CD warriors though, so that much we know already.

Something like the equivalent of blunderbussers would be nice as well, even if they were a special unit (for any reason).

A war machine is a given I think, and knowing GW would probably only be in the battalion box so people had to buy it.

Kera foehunter:

well maybe it would be like the dwarf set and let you decide what figures to make


There is a fair bit of variety in the dwarf set for those who are willing to convert.  You can make warriors/ longbeards, thunderers/quarrellers (with longbeard quarreller option, by putting a mask on it?), and potential for rangers.  Also the cannon or organ gun.

I actually ended up making mine into hammerers and rangers (still need to finish these).

It would be great if there was as much variety in the CD version.

Kera foehunter:

That would be cool  maybe have a box set with Blunderbuss and tall hats  but the tall hat would fit the other box set to
you can’t for get the tall hat or those guy will tell us forever how the new cd army  S


Hopefully a reworked CD book would still have blunderbusses.


It better, I own about 80 of them (42 painted). :smiley:

Pyro Stick:

Hopefully a reworked CD book would still have blunderbusses.

I seriously doubt they will remove the blunderbuss, but if they do im sure there will still be a new equivalent unit (cd's with long range weapon) that we will still be able to use our blunderbuss as. Its not like we have that many units to choose from in the first place so removing some would just be stupid. But with GW you can never guess what they are going to do next...