[Archive] Chaos Dwarf Cast: 1 - A Warhammer Podcast


Finally got around to listening to it. Might be a bit long an over an hour.

Chaos Dwarf Cast: It does sound pretty odd. “CDO Podcast” seemed okay, how about “Hashutcast”. You got the dollar conversions round the wrong way for the 25th anniversary deals, but it still doesn’t mean you save that much. Add some ID3 tags to the mp3 file. Give a list to everyone involved of the discussion topics and the sorts of questions that will be coming up so they can think about what they are going to say before the recording. Putting them on the spot seems to lead to a bit of dead-air. It felt like they knew some of it was going to come up but others came out of the blue that could have been prepared for. Of course, you don’t want to lose all of the spontenaity. Maybe people will loosen up as they get used to it (I am useless enough on the phone, not sure how well I’d do on something like this even if I could find my webcam microphone) Do you know if you can balance the different people before or after the recording? Some were a lot quieter than others. Was it recorded all in one take?

Overall, the format worked well and it was far better than most first-time podcasts I’ve heard. I didn’t think that you could fill up the time so well. Nice and prepared to look up stuff on the fly too. Looking forward to the next one.


Finally got around to listening to it. Might be a bit long an over an hour.

Ya, I will try to keep it under and hour in the future, that's my target.
Chaos Dwarf Cast: It does sound pretty odd. "CDO Podcast" seemed okay, how about "Hashutcast".

Ya, I am not really keen on any of those, they don't sound greata rolling off the tongue. We will have to brainstorm some more...
You got the dollar conversions round the wrong way for the 25th anniversary deals, but it still doesn't mean you save that much.

Heh, slip of the mind, $10 = 5 pounds. We should know this.
Add some ID3 tags to the mp3 file.

Not a bad idea. The RSS feed stores some good information viewable in iPods.
Give a list to everyone involved of the discussion topics and the sorts of questions that will be coming up so they can think about what they are going to say before the recording. Putting them on the spot seems to lead to a bit of dead-air. It felt like they knew some of it was going to come up but others came out of the blue that could have been prepared for. Of course, you don't want to lose _all_ of the spontenaity. Maybe people will loosen up as they get used to it (I am useless enough on the phone, not sure how well I'd do on something like this even if I could find my webcam microphone)

This we did have. We use a Google Document that we are all looking at that includes links. We even discussed a lot of these prior to the cast. Like I said at the start, Pyro was a bit tired/shy. But yes, dead air was an issue. I actually editted out some of it myself. Confidence will come with time, I think.
Do you know if you can balance the different people before or after the recording? Some were a lot quieter than others. Was it recorded all in one take?

Pyro was a quiet guy, though I thought the rest of the voices were fairly balanced. It was all one take through skype, all one wave file, so I can't really adjust the volumes once it is recorded, the best we can do is try to align the volumes before we begin.
Overall, the format worked well and it was far better than most first-time podcasts I've heard. I didn't think that you could fill up the time so well. Nice and prepared to look up stuff on the fly too. Looking forward to the next one.

I have a couple episodes worth of podcasting experince, hence my taking the Lead role in moving things along. Yes, YOU didn't think we could. I did recall you being one of the naysayers! :P

I am glad you were able to enjoy it anyway. :)

Thanks for the comments, Cornixt! :hat off


I’d be the first to admit I was wrong! Although my main concern was that there wouldn’t be enough material for sveral of them, I guess we’ll see in 6 months, especially if any new official CD news comes in.


There will always be something to talk about. :wink:


There will always be something to talk about. ;)

I agree, and personally I liked it be over an hour, I listened to the podcast as I drove to school, and then while I was in the car before I actually go in, the subjects were all pretty good, but the best part I think was the fluff section. Talking about fluff interests me to no end, so more of that would be fantastic IMO.

Overall, better than I could do, but has a few chinks to work out, the volume thing as already mentioned by Cornixt, along with the "putting them on the spot kind of thing."

I give it an 7/10 :cheers


This was a great idea, and a great podcast, by a great community. I am thinking about starting up with warhammer again, and things like this community and this podcast ensured that the race of choice in that case will most definately be chaos dwarfs!

Thanks a lot for simply being great!

If I had any slaves, all of you would have gotten some :wink:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Glad people liked it. Apologies for the volume stuff, but as Mr. Xander said, we can’t edit voulmes of people. We did this in one take and it was around midnight when we started (apart from for Mr. Xander). We’ll imrpove with time :wink:


I was suprised Pyro was so soft spoken! Wander to the Marketplace posts. His posts are anything but that! :slight_smile:

Pyro Stick:

I was suprised Pyro was so soft spoken! Wander to the Marketplace posts. His posts are anything but that! :)

Yeah im going to try work on that. I must have some kind of microphone phobia.


to hide there big heads ofcours :stuck_out_tongue:


cool podcast i always enjoy my hobby podcasts just as things to listen to whilst painting.

what i suggest for future casts is maybes have 1 subject for every cast and discuss that, say discussing your own opinions, opinions on the forums, etc. a good one would be big hats vs masks/helms.

you could call it ‘The CDO Show’

Hashut’s Blessing:

I disagree with the idea of one talking about hats v helms v masks. That’s what near enough killed the Hand of Hashut. Bad route to take.


I don’t think the topic is beyond discussion so long as every one remains civil. But their is no point in choosing a single one as better than another.

The structure of the show is unlikely to change wholey, but we do have background discussions for which a topic such as this may be brought up.

We are getting close to April too, which means a new cast!

The CDO Show… not bad. Better than what have so far. :stuck_out_tongue: What do people think of Chaos Dwarf Radio?


An awsome name for the podcast might be “The Words of Hashut”

…or something like that.


im usually fairly good at naming things. i actually named my mates business and it has worked well lol.

i was thinking of it being a hats vs masks discussion in more modelling terms, and why people choose one type over another, rather than which ones are best/most legitimate etc