[Archive] Chaos Dwarfs - Great Taurus - 2k


Hi there I am fairly new to Chaos Dwarfs, my other armies being Druchii, Kislev and Daemons.
Now I want to try something different instead of 10v Levels of magic,
2 earth shakers, 6-8 Boltthrowers, and am wondering if this could work…

any help greatly apreciated :hat

443 Chaos Dwarf Lord - Armour of the Furnace, Black Hammer of Hashut, shield, Great Taurus
154 Bull Centaur Hero - Armour of Garakh, Gauntlets, GW

185 15 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW, SB, Chmp
185 15 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW, SB, Chmp
180 15 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses
050 10 Hogoblins - bows
050 10 Hogoblins - bows
170 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso
170 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso

060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers
060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers

190 6 Bull Centaurs - F.C., War Banner
110 1 Earthshaker Cannon
Points: 2007 PD:2 DD:2 KillPoints:20

Any thoughts and critique are welcome

Thommy H:

10 Blunderbusses are a waste of time. If they lose two models, they’re effectively a S3 missile unit with 12" range, which is worthless. Swap some of the Warriors for more Blunderbusses - you want to have at least 15.


Cheers, list has been updated

Auretious Taak:

You want musicians in those Wolf Rider units, all fast Cavalry units should have a musician as standard as when they flee the extra leadership is a god send especially with how fast they are. You might consider perhaps giving the Wolf Riders Bows as well as they are fast cavalry and a unit of ten is pretty funky with their 360 degree line of sight. You also NEED at least a level 1 sorcerer with 2 dispel scrolls. You have no magical defense and are going to get raped. 115pts gets you this scroll caddy.


You want musicians in those Wolf Rider units, all fast Cavalry units should have a musician as standard as when they flee the extra leadership is a god send especially with how fast they are. You might consider perhaps giving the Wolf Riders Bows as well as they are fast cavalry and a unit of ten is pretty funky with their 360 degree line of sight.

Auretious Taak
Yes I know it's nice...guess where the points came from to beef the blunders up to 15 :hashut
You also NEED at least a level 1 sorcerer with 2 dispel scrolls. You have no magical defense and are going to get raped. 115pts gets you this scroll caddy.

Auretious Taak
I tend to disagree here, I'd rather have more troops than a single scroll caddy! Two scrolls aren't going to stop an uber tzeentch or VC magic phase (to name two)

updated list....


Two scrolls aren't going to stop an uber tzeentch or VC magic phase (to name two)
Scrolls aren't really designed to shut down a magic phase, they're designed to shutdown a really horrible spell.  For example, the TK extra movement spell or Lore of Shadows extra movement spell that's about to get one of your enemy's units into the flank of one of your units.
You need to have some capacity to stop that kind of thing, and 2 dispel dice won't be sufficient.

I like the rest of your list.  A lord on Taurus is always lots of fun to use.

Auretious Taak:

443 Chaos Dwarf Lord - Armour of the Furnace, Black Hammer of Hashut, shield, Great Taurus  
154 Bull Centaur Hero - Armour of Garakh, Gauntlets, GW

185 15 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW, SB, Chmp
185 15 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW, SB, Chmp
180 15 Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses
050 10 Hogoblins - bows
050 10 Hogoblins - bows
170 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso
170 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso  

060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers
060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers

190 6 Bull Centaurs - F.C., War Banner
110 1 Earthshaker Cannon

This army is looking interesting, good amount of firepower there,
Points: 2007 PD:2 DD:2 KillPoints:20

Any thoughts and critique are welcome

The army is looking more interesting, it's got a more combat orientated role. The Hob Gobs with Bows on foot, the bow's cost 30 points in all to equi the 10 hob gobs, 30 points also gets youa bolt thrower. the list looks like it is split into 2-3 parts, the BC's GT, and WR; the CDW's with GW's and the BB/HG with bows and warmachines. Perhaps, and this is personnal preference here, drop the bows on the foot Hob Gobs and take 2 more bolt throwers, the Foot Hob Gobs then act as cheap flankers for the CD's with great weapons.

To the comments on magical defense, I agree with wallacer, a scroll caddy is there to help prevent one or two major spells getting through and hence stopping that unit of Chosen Knights of Chaos charging so you get one more turn to annihilate them at range et al. But to each their own, good luck without the mage, it's gonna be interesting.

Auretious Taak.


I understand the need to scroll some really nasty spells, but I’d rather kill and hunt the mages than add a scroll caddy. That’s why I’m toying with the idea of including 2 Hobgoblin Heroes w/ HA, Shield, GW, wolf for the purpose of suicide-charging units with mages…

Auretious Taak:

But most units with mages have not only a champion but a hero with them and any player worth their salt will see the charge happening next turn from your single suicide mount and move out of line of sight et al. But still all power to you mate. Let us know how some Play Testing goes.


I was thinking of sticking them in the Wolf Rider units and adding champs (to take a challenge) or to go solo to hunt lone mages, dependin on what my opponent fields…down side is that I’ll have to ditch the HGs and Wolfrider bows…

Let us know how some Play Testing goes.
Will do :wink:

Thanks for the input…

:hat off


Just playing around here but do you think it could work?

443 Chaos Dwarf Lord - Armour of the Furnace, Black Hammer of Hashut, shield, Great Taurus
154 Bull Centaur Hero - Armour of Garakh, Gauntlets, GW *
062 Hobgoblin Hero - HA, GW, Shield, Wolf **
062 Hobgoblin Hero - HA, GW, Shield, Wolf ***
Hobgoblin Heroes: help wolfriders, go mage + warmachine hunting

110 10 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW
110 10 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW
110 10 Chaos Dwarf Warriors - GW
Axemen will be there to guard 2 Boltthrowers

180 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso, boss *
180 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso. boss **
180 10 Hogoblins - wolves, LA, shields, bows, muso. boss ***
Harrasment, warmachine and mage hunting

060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers
060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers
060 2 Hobgoblin Boltthrowers

190 6 Bull Centaurs - F.C., War Banner

Any thoughts and critique are welcome

Auretious Taak:

That looks similar to my list.

One thing, depending on what rules system is being used depends on whther your BC Hero with great weapon gets +1 or +2 strength with his attacks - counts as cavalry or is an exception, is debatable as discussed elsewhere on these boards. So you’re BC will either be strength 6 or strength 7. You might consider on the general maybe taking the Gauntlets and the Blak Hammer together to ensure you can instant kill chariots and chariot units in particular in one hit, but otherwise it looks similar to the list I am working on myself, except I have different magic items and a slightly more heavy feel. Oh and the Dark Mace of death on my Lord because hey, THAT is some serious game winning potential right there, but is risky as no ward save et al. Anyways what you might do is upgrade your BC Hero to have the BSB upgrade, and drop the GW on him to do that and something else from somewhere a Bolt Thrower or a BC will give the remaining points. That then gets all your HG’s re-rolling morale tests within 12" and when combined with the general they are leadership 10 so that becomes damned fine. Some play test games are needed I feel now. I won’t get a chance for 3 weeks to play test my hobgoblin spam list but my mate is back from 18 months in the U.K. and Ireland and hey he i a tournament player, so it should be fun and a good play test (I could play tourneys but meh).

Auretious Taak.


Thanks for the input again !

seems as though your the only person helping out…

Auretious Taak:

Thanks for the input again !

seems as though your the only person helping out....

Tommy H and Wallacer contributed to the discussions regardless of whether it was more refined. I would disagree with Tommy H's assertion that strength 3 Blunderbuss fire is worthless. I don't know, against some players who line up a battle line all even, a sinle row of 20-30 Blunderbuss men could cover the entirety of the opposing army in one volley, hit half and wound half of them, in effect 25% of the opposing army gets smacked up in one round of fire from one unit.

The Snowman:

The list looks interesting and would be fun to play against some armies, unfortunately if you play many armies that cause fear (especially the new VC etc) you may be outnumbered more often than not and once defeated in combat will be testing on snake-eyes… Having a large block of warriors can be a lot of points but may get to hang around against fear causers.