[Archive] Chaos Dwarfs (LoA) vs Beastmen


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Beastmen are one of the armies that I face on a regular basis (a good friend plays them regularly). Beastmen run up and hit you, simple as that to help them do so the army has access to Ambushing units and options to cover the board very quickly, the BEastmen player will look to be in combat turn 2.

Beastmen typically lack armour saves better then Heavy Armour on their units and it is rare for them to have parry saves as most of the options for weapons will be additional hand weapons (for more attacks). Primal Fury gives them a chance to gain Hatred against you that does not disappear on subsequent turns.

A Beastman player will look to neutralise a gun line in a number of ways. Ungors and Gors are the Core Units that can ambush and appear either behind you or on either flank. Harpies are scouting, flying war machine hunters although they’re not that tough, they will tie up shooting and will probably take out a crew with their two attacks each at I5.

Magic item wise he always packs the Chalice of Dark rain which means that non BS shooting has to roll 4+ to fire and all other shooting is at -1 although it only lasts for one turn. Pelt of the Shadowgave (if taken) will undoubtedly be on the Bestigor unit and give an extra -1 to hit with missile fire. Turn one this would mean usually needing 7’s to hit them with ranged weapons.

Expect to see a Doombull with 1+ rerollable Armour Save with a Magic Helm that allows an additional attack for each wound saved in Close Combat, this beast along with a couple of his mates with high armour saves (2+/4++) usually takes the front line of a unit of Minotaurs or Ungor raiders for additional ranks. Shoot this unit and hit it with magic missiles, DO NOT FEED THIS UNIT CHAFF!!! Minotaurs and the Doombulls get an extra attack each time they win combat and these stack. I have learned this the hard way and faced Minotaurs with 8 attacks each after running through my screening units (it is not nice)

Bestigor Hoards are another common appearance, they are the “Elite” of the Beastmen book, armed with Great Weapons and Heavy Armour packing plenty of Strength 6 attacks, I typically see this unit with a Level 4 Beasts/Death caster with Banner of Swiftness or Standard of Discipline, occasionally the War Banner or the Totem of Rust (Armour Saves -1) is taken instead.

Beware of his Chaff, Ungor Raiders, Chariots, Harpies, Razorgors, these units are most likely to be taking up a fair amount of his deployment zone, shoot these early and hope to cause a few panic checks (army wide Leadership is roughly 6-7 is outside of General Inspiring Presence and BSB range this can quickly if you are lucky crumble a battle line)

A note on the Jabberslythe which my friend has now started to take more and more (gorgeous model) it has quite a nasty range of attacks, flies and is M8 on the ground. T6 and 6 wounds but no armour saves of any kind so can quickly fall to missile fire, magic artillery etc (but what else aren’t you shooting). He does cause terror and can cause a few wounds (max 2 or 3 to Dwarfs) to units that aren’t immune to psychology within 12" that fail a leadership tests. He does a single shooting attack for a range of 12" at Str 5.

Watch out when you hit him in close combat, the blood will cause a Str 5 hit on the attacking unit for each wound caused.