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Post your tactics and advice here.
They are fast and deadly. Corsair and WE will melt through hobgoblins, while executioners will demolish most of our other choices in a straight up battle. Their boltthrowers are good against bulls and IGs. Another strong point is Darkriders with repeater crossbows, or just regular repeater crossbow men. Their shades are even more deadly with ASF and greatweapons, and the Cold One Knights still packs a punch. The Doomfire warlocks and spellcasters in general are very good
A lot of the new choices in the book sucks however. The medusa is shit, sisters of slaughters are thrash, spearmen went from 6 to 9 points, and assassins got dumpsteret. Black Guards aren’t worth their prize, and their big monsters are somewhat lackluster.
Depending on what models my opponent owns, but I always bring some light shooting to deal with Dark Riders and WE
Use hobgoblin blocks or khans to slow down hordes of executioners, try and get a flank charge on them to ruin executioners (only 1 attack each, maybe frenzy or characters could help them stop bleeding combat res). Witch elves, corsairs, and others can be stopped with standard IG, as their high armor is awesome barring the possibility of mind razor. Try and set up these combats, maybe lock executioners in place so that even a smallish unit of hobgoblins can break the executioners by charging a flank, letting witch elves and such fight the higher armor things.
Fire glaives might actually be worth using in this match up, as the shooting that comes from this unit can weaken chaff units like dark riders or try and hand at killing warlocks, while being strong enough to wound on 2s ignoring most enemy armor. At least one unit of archers is good to use in this fashion, maybe giving them shields and off to the side to flank charge the executioner horde that is almost standard.
Bull centaurs seem to suffer here due to bolt throwers, so either avoid allowing good shots on them or try and remove bolt throwers quickly with khans. Repeater crossbow men make the life of khans difficult, as do warlocks. Try and hit these units with archer fire.
Warmachines are good as usual, doom rockets being awesome against the rare witch hordes. Iron daemon could be good, shooting the occasional monster, hunting the character on a pegasus with the 3+ ward.
Destroyer is tricky to use, as witches and warlocks have ASF poison and executioners can wound it well. Send it after monsters, the cav death stars that occasionally appear (not all the characters can have a 2+ ward against flaming in that front rank), and hit sides and rear as they appear from units that otherwise ruin K’daii