[Archive] Chaos mammoth

Thommy H:

When could they ever field a mammoth? I think Forge World released rules for their model, but there’s never been anything in Armies books about it.


The idea of this for a chaos army goes back to third when there were mammoths but strangely no one could field them…

I always found it odd for chaos going forward each edition that with no missile weapons… how the hell do you fight from teh back of that thing!

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I always found it odd for chaos going forward each edition that with no missile weapons... how the hell do you fight from teh back of that thing!

As per the FW rules, the barbarians in the howdah use throwing axes, but I think most of the carnage is done with the Mammoth trampling stuff really, so being placed up there is probably more something of a reward and mostly for entertainment ("whoa look - that Bretonnian was squished nicely!").


well i thought there was ? I play a couple of guys and one has the list from gw ??
One guy has the mammoth  and there another guys uses his lotr elephant thingy
i was going to play to day , i just wounding with the new rules if they where playable?
mostly when we play sieges they play the mammoths
maybe it might be a siegh weapon for chaos??

Kera foehunter
As Ishkur writes, Forge World has rules, but they aren't "official" GW rules per se.
They would probably work pretty much the same as they were never part of the regular list.
Rules for the mammoth:


I always found it odd for chaos going forward each edition that with no missile weapons... how the hell do you fight from teh back of that thing!

As per the FW rules, the barbarians in the howdah use throwing axes, but I think most of the carnage is done with the Mammoth trampling stuff really, so being placed up there is probably more something of a reward and mostly for entertainment ("whoa look - that Bretonnian was squished nicely!").

Ishkur Cinderhat
That and it opperates as a seige tower. Does seem a bit pointless having your lord up there though. In the last edition a fully tooled up mamoth + crew was over 1,000pts


12 wounds? Outrageous! Throwing axes makes sense and is entirely fluffy I suppose.


I don’t know if it would fit, as I’m assuming chariot size for the rules, but if you can set it up so it fits… it could make a nice war altar.


Well it will make a cool CD conversion, and if you just remove the Warriors of Chaos profil - and use CD profile then it might work well :slight_smile:

Hashut’s Blessing:

I did almost point out the FW rules, but was beaten to it. i still want one, despite how long it’d take to paint.

As for using it as a War Altar, you’re allowed to use things on larger sized bases, but not smaller ones.


I am so going to get a mammoth someday…