Uzkul Werit:
Think about it. We have this wonderful little web ring set up and yet, we do next to nothing with it. This collection of sites deserves something more than a links on the bottom of each forum! Ideas anyone?
Uzkul Werit:
Think about it. We have this wonderful little web ring set up and yet, we do next to nothing with it. This collection of sites deserves something more than a links on the bottom of each forum! Ideas anyone?
Xander and I have actually been discussing a chaos star painting competition in the last week or so! So far the Warriors and Daemons are on board, just need to get the Beasts.
Godbob and his jolly rogers:
that does sound great :hat off
Ishkur Cinderhat:
Let me see… with my current projects, I could actually enter a painting competition for Chaos Warriors, Chaos Dwarfs and Chaos Daemons…! A shame they can’t all be combined into one big army.
I could enter for the beast, warriors, deamons and chaos dwarfs
We still need to decide when we’ll do this, fitting it into our competition schedule etc.
Lemme get this right; a competition between the different boards where members square off against eachother or one big comp where everyone can enter and it is decided by all the members? (hope I explained myself a bit clearly…)
The way it would work is basically this:
Chamber of the Everchosen
The Herdstone
The Daemonic Legion
Chaos Dwarfs Online
Would all enter minis in a painting competition. Nothing so unusual. How it would be different (for us anyway) is that anyone on any of the forums can enter a mini based on any of the army books. So someone here could do a beastman, a warrior, a CD OR a daemon etc.
There is a theme we’re looking at, so it wouldn’t just be painting any old mini.
We have yet to finalise exactly how it would be judged, but I imagine it would involve an open vote by forum members. We’d have to think on that to try and make sure its anonymous.
Another idea would be to require entries to be made on the forum for which their model’s army belongs. This would encourage cross-star sign-ups, and benefit all.
Ghrask Dragh:
This sounds really good, rekon there might be a few Warriors of Chaos entries here
Voting sounds like a bit of a problem though, streching across 4 forums? how can we ake sure someone doesn’t vote on all 4 threads in all 4 forums?
How about 2 rounds. One round determines the winners only from their own site (so 3 winners from CDO, 3 from Daemonic Legion etc, etc…) decided by the members from the respective fora through voting.
And one round where the winners from the different sites go up against each other and the winners here would be decided by a few pre-selected judges.
We have something similar to that being discussed by the heads of each forums, rest asured we will figure it out! But thanks for the input!
@Ghrask Dragh, assuming there was one poll on each forum to start, and all entries were grouped based on the model’s army matching the army forum, then 1 vote in each poll would most likely be allowed, and why not?
We’ll let you guys know obviously, once all the staffers from the various forums are in agreement.
More like when some/all of the staffers are aware of it!