[Archive] Charoar's Chaos Dwarfs


Alright, I’m jumping on board. So like I said in my introduction, my uncle gave me all his minis and among them I found some chaos dwarfs. This sparked my interest and led me to this site.

Today I dug back through the boxes of guys to pull out the CD’s i had seen so I could get some idea of what I have. I’ll try to take some pics but for now I’m just going to make a list of what i found for myself and for those of you that might want to know.

1 Khazek Doomlord

2 Swivel Guns, no crew

1 Whirlwind Boar Centaur, no machine

1 Death Rocket, 2 Crew, the death rocket is there but the wheeled cart is nowhere to be found, I was really bummed about this.

1 Hero w/Axe 2

1 Sorcerer

1 Lord on Great Taurus

3 Earthshaker Crew memebers but just a few random parts of the actual Earthshaker, Also really bummer about this.

I thought there would be some more older models because of the doomlord but i couldn’t find any. I know my uncles friend has a ton of regular dwarfs from the 80’s/early90’s that he doesn’t play anymore that he might sell to me for cheap so I hope there might be more to be found in there.

In the meantime, I should be getting a Skull Pass box this week to start converting some more guys. What horses do people use to make Bull centaurs? I have a bunch of old horses but they all have the strange middle section where the rider goes.

Da Crusha:

sounds like a cool army, now lets get some pics up here so we can see the progression.


welcome to CDO!

Cool model list to start with (I love all the 3dr edition stuff)

Now start painting and post pictures of all your work in progress! (:

Pyro Stick:

I see you have some swivel guns without crew. If you arent planning on buying the crew off of ebay then you might consider selling them to this guy who has been looking for a swivel gun without crew:



Or to me (: and i’ll happily take the centaur to!

Kera foehunter:

sounds like you truly lucky !!! i hope you post some picture soon !!


Hey guys, thanks for all your interest! I’ll probably post pictures in a week or so, I just ordered some battle for skull pass dwarfs so I figured I’d wait. Also my uncle’s friend found all his old old dwarfs and is giving them to me. My uncle says the missing Earthshaker parts are in there! I’m hoping theres some other old chaos dwarfs in there too because they pretty easy to mix up and he already gave me one mm90 or whatever they are called so i was wondering where the other ones might be. Anyways, I pick that up tomarrow and I’m pretty stoked.

Pyro Stick:

he already gave me one mm90 or whatever they are called so i was wondering where the other ones might be. Anyways, I pick that up tomarrow and I'm pretty stoked.

MM90's came 4 to a blister so there should be 3 more lying around somewhere. Do you think you will try and collect the whole set?


I really doubt that he has more than a couple, if any. I would like to collect them all but I can’t really afford it right now, they seem to be pretty expensive. I’m watching that cool sorcerer one on ebay and its already at like 22 dollars or something.

Pyro Stick:

I really doubt that he has more than a couple, if any. I would like to collect them all but I can't really afford it right now, they seem to be pretty expensive. I'm watching that cool sorcerer one on ebay and its already at like 22 dollars or something.

Right now $22 is a decent price for the mage. But the mage is an exception. All the others in the set go for around £6-8.


Okay so I got the dwarfs from my uncle and it turns out a bunch of them were old chaos dwarfs!! I’m still going through them, might need help identifying some of them. I Have about 14 mm90’s All are from 2 3 and 4.

Missing only 1 from mm90/2 but i think it might be in this box somewhere. Got the barrel of the earthshaker, couple bolt throwers, and a couple more swivel guns. A bunch of other chaos dwarfs, All the renegades, only doomaxe variant. Couple of C22 Morters didnt see crew though. Bazuka Gunner. That’s about it, still kinda trying to sort stuff out. There’s a bunch of mm10 regular dwarfs, think those are worth anything?


Okay so I forced my girlfriend to take some pics of everything, still waiting for some skull pass guys to get started. I’m pretty torn still, I wanted to go big hat but i have a lot of nice old helm guys, too. Here you go, sorry for the wait. I love some of the late 80’s / early 90’s paint jobs.

Kera foehunter:

Hey do you have any other uncles that are giving cool cd stuff away

there niece Kera want to know

you have a great start to a real cool army !! ( lucky ) keep you hand tight on them lol

once again great job to the start of your army

Pyro Stick:

Great to see another large collection of MM90’s. BTW all the models marked ??? are normal dwarfs. I dont know what any of them apart from the the guy beside Napper. He is an Imperial Dwarf.


I found the guy in the bottom row, hes imperial too.


Nice collection. Personally I’d go with Big hats. BIG HATS FTW!


screw Big hats, go with the old ones! (or just use the big hats at charracters)


Great collection of models that you have got, looking forward to seeing them painted up :slight_smile:


One Word: Jealous!

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


Great to see Marauder Dwarfs in play for a new army; always gets a thumbs up from me.