[Archive] Compilation of Official Chaos Dwarf Artwork & Concept Sketches(1)


A small part of the 2017 manual salvage and mapping work of members with salvagable images on the forum has consisted of hunting down official GW/FW artworks. This was critical for the FW LoA sketches, which almost only existed in a single Photobucket album as far as I could see (with a few duplicates hosted on DakkaDakka).

It was a relatively small step to try and hunt down all official CD artworks ever put out. I hope this is exhaustive. If you find more official artpieces, then please shout out!

[align=center]Google Drive Album
CDO Staff Imgur Album[/align]

Here they are in somewhat chronological order:

Age of Sigmar Fyreslayer Art of Interest



pfiou, I’m in love with the chaos dwarf aesthetic even though throughout the ages the style evolved they still rock !


I do love all of them, though some are closer to my heart than others