Bloodbeard :
Happy Birthday Malorndk! And be some weird coincidence… also happy birthday to user Malorn! Hope you’re having a great day with everything such a day should have. I think you contribute in a very positive and active way to this community. Here’s a little piece of happy birthday music to you!Birthdäy Mëtaaaaaal! Sung in a high pitched voice! And some 27 birthday slaves for the BBQ, one for each year you’ve spend.
MadHatter :
Congratulations and salutations! :hat off Hope you’ve had a great day! EDIT: I agree with Bloodbeard your such an awesome addition to our community I decided to also send you 27 Gorak-Zharr birthday slaves, burning candles stuffed into throat and all :cheers
9 September 2014 08:13
Doombeard :
Here here, Happy Birthday, long may your beard grow
Dînadan :
Happy BirthdayThis message was automatically appended because it was too short.
Fuggit Khan :
Happy Birthday to a fellow 4th edition Big Hat fanatic :cheers
Malorndk :
Thanks guys <3 I have lurked on you guys forever (User Malorn was my first account on a now deleted email) but it’s nice to finally have started to contribute and not just sit in the shadow and drool over your army blog
Admiral :
And happy birthday anew, you apocalyptic battler! :cheers
10 September 2016 06:09
Helblindi :
Happy birthday!This message was automatically appended because it was too short.
Abecedar :
So that would be 29 grey hairs in the beard this day.
Sckol 1 beer for each Birthday boy
TheHoodedMan :
Happy birthday Mr. Malorn!
10 September 2016 11:05
Carcearion :
Sorry for being late to the party but happy birthday! hope you had a great time. :hat off :cheers
Admiral :
Turning 30? Happy birthday! :cheers Now we only need to conquer Denmark to reduce postal shipping costs…
Willmark :
Are your feet starting to feel a bit stiff? Don’t worry becoming fully stone isn’t that bad…
Malorndk :
Haha thanks guys. Some rusty joints, but I’m still but a beardling <3
11 September 2017 04:48
Zanko :
Also from my side still hearty congratulations later! :hat off Hopefully you hab a great birthday with much beer and slaves! :cheers :hashut
Admiral :
And a happy 31st birthday, you Danish reveller in monstrously huge Warhammer battles. :hat off
Fuggit Khan :
Happy Big Hat Birthday dude :hat �YZ,