[Archive] Construction of the Civil War Dwarfs army board


I have a few blog posts which chronicle this weekend’s insane marathon construction of the army board for our team tounament armies for Adepticon.

I began at 12:20 am on Saturday with a piece of masonite, some cardboard, some plastic textured sheets, and some pink foam.  By Sunday night, the board was about 90% finished:

Here are the two blog posts describing the action!

part one (Saturday)

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Road to Adepticon, construction of the Civil War Dwarfs army board

and then Sunday:

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Adepticon team tournament army board nearly finished!!

Also, I will post some pictures of the unit of blunderbus toting Chaos Dwarfs later tonight. :slight_smile:


I have a few blog posts which chronicle this weekend’s insane marathon construction of the army board for our team tounament armies for Adepticon.

I began at 12:20 am on Saturday with a piece of masonite, some cardboard, some plastic textured sheets, and some pink foam.  By Sunday night, the board was about 90% finished:

Here are the two blog posts describing the action!

part one (Saturday)

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Road to Adepticon, construction of the Civil War Dwarfs army board

and then Sunday:

James Wappel Miniature Painting: Adepticon team tournament army board nearly finished!!

Also, I will post some pictures of the unit of blunderbus toting Chaos Dwarfs later tonight. :slight_smile: