[Archive] Converted Infernal Golem - Good Flames!



Very good conversion and paintjob. The flames look a bit odd on the gut and thighs, but otherwise great.


I didn’t like mini all that much when it came out, but seeing it painted its starts to grow on me;)

I like the colors on the armor, and its well executed. Not to sure about the flames. Its not bad, but i like the flames when its more contrast and more layers. But overall it looks good!

Twisted Dwarf:

That’s my Kadaii destroyer!

Toad painter is a friend of mine, I build and convert and he does the painting. He’s a great guy and an amazing painter. My entire chaos dwarf army has been painted by him. I just never get around to taking pictures.


Nice man! I really like it, makes me want to copy it!


Thats a fantastic model and an awesome conversion and paint job. I`m not sure if I like the horns standing up, it reminds me a little of a goat or a vermin lord. But nevertheless this is one of the best destroyers I have seen yet.:cheers

I like it also that its teamwork/ job sharing. So everyone is pushed to the best he can do.


Good job Twisted Dwarf. The Infernal Golem is a very nice Destroyer model. The conversions you have done, is what that model needs - been my opinion all along. Very nice paint job too.

The only thing I don’t like is the horns - they look unnatural in the current pose. Not much better in the original model either though.


nice one!

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Twisted Dwarf:

There was debate on the horns.

I have another one. He’s going horns down.


Titan Forge and BOLS are talking about this K’Daai conversion :

Link to Titan Forge Facebook

Twisted Dwarf:

Wow. I can’t believe the models is spreading on the Internet so fast. Lol