Call me crazy.. But we could just stick with CD'sI second the nomination of Minister Joshmohr! :P :cheers
DoC does seem to push it beyond the ability to be believed.
Call me crazy.. But we could just stick with CD'sI second the nomination of Minister Joshmohr! :P :cheers
Ok guys… c’mon please don’t change the subject of this thread into another “Daemons are broken and too powerful” thread… I’ve heard that to the point where it sounds like whining at this point.
Daemons may be over-powered, but regardless, they are daemons! They SHOULD be the most powerful opponent in the game. It would be kinda ridiculous if everything was perfectly evenly matched in warhammer… it would get really boring I think. Certain armies should be more powerful than others, so long as you can still beat them, and daemons CAN be beat… from what I hear (haven’t played with or against them yet). It’s also still possible that Daemons are still effected by New Army syndrome… people thought High Elves would be unbeatable with the Always Strike First thing, but now people have adjusted their strategies to the new style and can beat them effectively. That’s how I feel about it anyway, but I did NOT make this thread to argue about that.
This thread is about how you can model daemons of hashut to be used as troop types from the Daemons of Chaos army book.
Since I am modeling Daemons of Hashut, it isn’t important to not mix the gods. Not only that, but the book was DESIGNED to be used as a whole, not as mono-god armies. It still works for mono-god armies, but it was designed specifically to be used as a whole army, whether we like it or not… If you only use mono-god you would only have 1 troop choice of CORE, 1 SPECIAL, 1 RARE, and just a few characters… that’s it! That is NOT a complete army book… it can work, but you shouldn’t claim that is the only fair way to do it, and that’s how it’s meant to be played… cuz it isn’t (but I know that’s not exactly what you guys are claiming. I’m just saying…).
Anyway… I’m gonna keep thinking on this and update this thread with any new ideas I get.