[Archive] Davy Jones' Crew


Hey all and sundry,

I wanted to do this army for ages now (ever since I saw Pirates 2, in fact), and despite now not being the best time (as I have to finish a decent VC army before the 23rd of november), I decided to go for it anyway:)

So, without further ado, the big man/cephalopod himself:

Davy Jones Front

Davy Jones Back

It’s mainly GS, unsurprisingly, with a Genestealer head, spawn claw and a zombie arm. I’m in the process of making the crew and some sea monster spawn (the army will count as a Chaos one), including, of course, the famous Kraken.

Please let me know your opinion:)



looks absolutely great,reminds me on the vampire pirat army i have seen in the white dwarf…

and im sure, no johnny depp could beat this one


Its a nice job - an ambitious one. Is there any reason why you didn’t use a pirate style body and just sculpt the head?

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Very nice! I love the hat (obviously). :hat off


Cool cool, and well cool :slight_smile:

a great GS work :cheers

Hashut’s Blessing:

Brilliant. Even better than you described it to me. very impressed, me lad. We’ll have to make that Zombie Pirate and Dwarf VC doubles list sometime :wink:

Kera foehunter:

great job !!! love it can’t wait to see more


Keep up the great work. I looked at all the photos in your gallery and reallly enjoyed all the conversions and scratch made sculptures, awesome fun stuff!

Tharzhul Firehelm:

Thats looks great man i really like it, good detail, nice stuff.


ooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooohhh. nifty! I like the barnacles on the back of the jacket/cloak… I’d love some more of them on there… maybe around the bottom…

and PS - awesome belt buckle. I love how prominent it is. :slight_smile: