[Archive] Dawi Zharr in AOS - Oxymandias the mad


Very nice man o war ships. Cant wait to see them painted. Will you go with the traditional scheme of black red and blue?

Probably red black and rusted metal to match my AOS/erehwon army.


Oh, cool more naval action sounds great! Will you be using the rules from the old game or some other?

My friend has the old boxed game so we are using those rules. Main difference is that when a boarding action takes place, we are moving to a smaller board and having the two units actually fight using the rules from warlords if erehwon to determine who is victorious.

Sounds really cool, would love to have the time to do something similar in the future! :cheers


WIP - some new dwarfs on their way


Pretty cool old school vibe with very nice touch ups and extras! The whole design is so organic that I can only tell the kit-bashed parts that I recognize from elsewhere. Hope there’s more to come?


Great conversions, cool to see that there are still “pin hats” out there! :hat off


Pretty cool old school vibe with very nice touch ups and extras! The whole design is so organic that I can only tell the kit-bashed parts that I recognize from elsewhere. Hope there's more to come?

So many more to come �YT^

There are more models than I have time to physically paint haha. Thanks for the comments. Exact vibe I�?Tm going for. Old school with a new school twist.


Great conversions, cool to see that there are still "pin hats" out there! :hat off

Yeah there�?Ts a couple in the army Tjub. Idea I totally lifted from images of your fantasy army that I saw online before I even joined this forum !

Uther the unhinged:

Nice little if hat group. Classic but beautiful paints scheme. They look great.


Wow those look stellar, Love the Colour Scheme. Excited to see more!


Bit of paint going on the new guy:

Despite the fact these are big hats these are very well done. I especially like these guys.


Thank you to all who voted for my entry in golden hat. Also thanks to everyone who got involved. So much inspiration for future models…

I�?Tve been asked to post some WIP pics of my entry. It was my second ever attempt to sculpt a model. My first one had taken a day. This took nearly two weeks to sculpt haha. I�?Tm very much learning as I�?Tm going and am always open to advice and tutoring on the subject.  Anyway here it goes. It all started with a broken golf tee…

Uther the unhinged:

Wow. I did not realise it was completely sculpted. Fantastic work.


Great sculpting! That fire/skull/levitation-spell is a great idea, and beautifully executed too. A pleasure to look upon (except, I suppose, for any unfortunate foe in that fellow�?Ts way) :hat off


Wonderfull model, and great start at sculpting. Its so much fun once you get started! Are you using Milliput and GS?


Wonderfull model, and great start at sculpting. Its so much fun once you get started! Are you using Milliput and GS?

Yes miliput fine and gs. Sometimes mixing the two depending on the consistency I desire.


A great work ( piece of art, very ingeniously modeled and painted! Kudos! :hat off


Reaver of Uzkulak :

I was wondering how much of that you sculpted! absolutely phenomenal job, such great character built into his pose and expression, perfect for a sorcerer. :hat off


I was wondering how much of that you sculpted! absolutely phenomenal job, such great character built into his pose and expression, perfect for a sorcerer. :hat off

Reaver of Uzkulak
What he said :cheers


Hello CDO - long time no post!

Chaos dwarf project went on hiatus while I was absorbed in some other projects (mostly sci-fi stuff). However (like many of us) I�?Tve recently found I�?Tve got more time on my hands than normal and have been able to restart the project with renewed vigour!

Here�?Ts what I�?Tve spent the last few days painting:


Oh, looks wonderful. Always fun to see more Zonk stuff… But you should really redo the blog over at the new forum and keep updates there!
