[Archive] Deathshrieker's deviation


I have not seen any thread talking about this, so here it is. It is maybe only me, but I have one little question on the special deviation rules of the Deathshrieker Incendiary ammunitions.

Let us say I make a small first deviation making me miss my target barely. If I lay down the 5" template immediately, I would hit some models nonetheless. But according to the rules, I have to make another deviation “towards the nearest unit”. Now what is this direction exactly ? Towards the center of the nearest unit ? Towards the closest point of the nearest unit ? Towards any direction that makes me hit that unit ?

The results can be vastly different. For example, if I make another 10" deviation, if I have to go in the direction of the closes point of the unit, I could completely miss the unit, making that second deviation worse than the first one.

So, how do you understand that rule, and how do you play it ?

Grimbold Blackhammer:

The rules don’t say but I’d go for the center. I’m sure your opponents won’t question whichever choice you make so long as you’re consistent.

Grimbold Blackhammer


I’ve been unsure about the second deviation myself. Should it deviate in such a way that the marker used to denote the impact location of the Deathshrieker Rocket is simply over the unit, or over the centre?


i’ve had this situation a couple of times, i just went for the nearest edge/point of the closest unit… which is in most cases in direction of the center anyway.


I’ve been playing it that it goes back the way it came - so if it scatters 10" and misses, but I then roll 6", it’s only scattered 4" altogether.

Shadows Revenge:

How I understand it. You pick your target, which is ofc the unit that is being targeted. You roll the scatter, and see where the large blast goes. If it still hits the target unit, great, you just roll to wound. If it misses the unit, you then roll again and the small blast moves from where the center hole of the large blast was the distance rolled towards the nearest unit.


Since it says it corrects towards the nearest unit, and not the nearest model, I think you should use the center of the unit for the direction of the correction move.