I’m going on my first - ever - skiing holiday with the family.
Driving of late friday evening and we will be back again late on the 14th - I guess.
We are going to Berchtesgaden in Germany - that should be somewhere near Salzburg (Austria) - if someone should care about that.
Really don’t know how I got myself persuaded doing this - as I hate cold weather and snow :sick Think it’s because we want our sons to actually see snow - and not just hearing about it.
Any good advices for a first timer? - other than warm clothes of course
And then I’ll need something to read on these cold winter nights surrunded by german synchronized television
I’ll be taking my GH VIII crewmen (or else I wouldn’t finish in time) - but I’ll be needing a book too - any surgestion if it should be something Warhammer related?
lol i got a bit worried there when i saw the thread title. Hope you have fun doing whatever it is you are going to be doing.
For a book suggestion, anything not warhammer related. Ive read Grey Knights and Storm of Iron but they werent very satisfying. Grey Knights was better but they arent the kind of books i would read twice. But if you like the occasional epic fantasy then i might be able to suggest a few things.
�?" no, can assure you all that I�?Tll be back. I�?Tm one of those guys that will stay here to the very end of Chaos Dwarfs Online (may that day ever come).
But then again, could resist the temptation of such a title
I have tons of books I could read �?" but they are all pack up because of the ‘rebuilding the house’ �?" project. So I�?Tm to buy a new Book �?" and I think it should be something Warhammer related �?" might have a look at one of the time of legend books then - like Malekith - anyone who have read that? - and isn�?Tt there also a book about Sigmar?
Hmmmm! Nagash - that could be very interesting too - is it already out, Swiss? Must have slipped my mind, then!
When I were a kid we had tons of snow from early December to the end of March �?" every year �?" so it must be a Global Warming-thing, I guess �?" or am I just getting ooooooold
Im not sure if its still there but you should go to the eagles Nest.. I have seen Pictures.. It is supposed to have wonderful view.. One of the very few things the Nazis left that was worth keeping.
Seems to be: