[Archive] Disclaimer: CDO on Facebook


Chaos Dwarfs Online are represented on Facebook.

The Age of Sig Zharr (CDO in AoS) is another facebook group.

Dawi Zharr 9th Age is for players of Infernal Dwarfs in 9th Age.

This is a great tool for sharing your Chaos Dwarf projects fast and easy, in this time of smartphones and tablets.

But please note that the CDO Staff are not admins or moderators on the Facebook group and thus have no control over the content posted there.

If you for some reason didn’t recieve your “account activation email” when setting up a CDO user, the Facebook groups is a great way to ask for help.

We encourage members of facebook and CDO, to help bring in new members and link their blogs on facebook as well.


Added a link to Age of Sig Zharr (CDs in AoS) facebook group.


Added group Dawi Zharr 9th Age to first post.