[Archive] E-bay buying figures

Kera foehunter:

well let see the faimly pic too

b.o.t… yea i would not buy any if they did not have any pictures

it be like a pig in the poke


I bought my marksmen of marigliano (quote) “painted” (unquote), but in effect they had been basecoated for me. Any colour i disagreed with was changed, any colour i’d have used anyway was refined/shaded/inked/detailed. Saved me a bit of time, same finish as if i’d have done it myself from primer to finish


I just look for the best deal.

Most “Pro-Painted” minis I see on eBay are garbage tbh, and I don’t mind spending a little time to strip painted figures. It’s pretty easy usually.


I’m surprised anybody still bothers to list figures on eBay as “pro-painted”. It just seems to be a running joke now, for most people.


well let see the faimly pic too

Kera foehunter
I might be convinced to post up pics that I am in. I'd rather not just post up random family pics though. :hat off

Kera foehunter:

well you can add your pictures to this link
